chapter 12

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*that song was for you*

-1 week later-
It's been a week since the party and Jack has been keeping more of an eye on me. He always holds my hand, and makes sure to watch guys who even dare look at me by shooting them death glares. I think it's cute and nice but he's just a friend not my boyfriend .

*right now*
Jack is getting prepared for a show tonight with Jack J. We are backstage since he got me & Savannah tickets. Which is very sweet of him.
Savannah & I have kind of been arguing lately because she's mostly with Nash & I've been with Jack so we never have time with each other so we bicker about dumb stuff.
It hurts that I might slowly loose my best friend.
I look over to her to see her chatting with Nash. I pull out my phone and text her.
Me: can we talk for a sec? Just us please .
I see her look at her phone and reply.
Savannah: sure
I see her get up and walk over to me. Seating herself right next to me. She looks at me "what's up?" I sigh "I want to say I'm sorry that I've been ignoring you ever since we met Jack and them. And we've been bickering about dumb stuff lately and I really don't wanna loose you as my best friend it would hurt to much. Cause you are the only friend I have when we leave. But I wanna do something just us for a couple days. No Nash, No Jack . No texting them or seeing them . Just a girls day . We can go shopping cause I need to get some new stuff, we can see a movie, take a tour around this town and just hang out like old times. You in?" She smiles and hugs me "I hate our stupid fighting . Cause I could die if I lost you as my best friend. I think it would be a fantastic idea. For us to have like 2 or 3 days just us together doing our thing cause I miss it too." I smile "okay good. Starting tomorrow we go shopping" "yes . I need a new bikini and shoes." We both start laughing before Jack, Nash and Jack J join us .
I look at Jack "you ready?" I say . He nods "little bit." I laugh "you'll be great" "thanks". Just then they get called onto stage . He hugs me before going on stage.
We make our way to our seats which is front row and sit down "damn I'm glad you are my best friend . Getting to know Jack and getting front row seats" I laugh "thanks" .
The music starts going and they sing. The first one is Tides which is one of my faves of all time.
I hear the music playing and i sing along to the whole song .
After the 3rd song . Jack G grabs the mic "alright so this song is for someone special" he smiles . God I'd love for a song to be dedicated to me. I feel Savannah nudge me "what?" I say . She smirks "I bet this song is about you" I laugh "yea right . The first time I talked to him. He had a special girl that he likes but didn't tell me. I respect that." "It could be you" she says. "If it was. He would've told me by now. But it's not so shush" she sighs "you never know" I roll my eyes and listen.
Jack begins singing and I instantly recognize the song. It's an old song called Faster by Matt Nanson.
During the song he keeps looking at me. Which is really awkward. Because my heart is racing and I'm getting dirty looks by all these other girls here.
Once the song finishes . They leave the stage . Savannah hits me "dude he totally eyed you that whole song" I blush and some girl looks at me "you aren't even pretty.  Idk Jack kept looking at you. He should've looked at me" I cringe . I'm about to go off before Savannah does "how old are you like 13? Hun. She knows Jack so bug off. Trust me my best friend is hot. You are just a jealous little thot. Now goodbye we are heading backstage" Savannah grabs my arm and we both laugh and walk backstage.
Savannah goes off and Jack walks up to me. We open the backstage and head down the hallway. I look at him "you were good out there" he chuckles "thank you. So did you enjoy that special song?" I nod "I did. Who is it about ?" . He smiles at me "well that song was for you" .
I stare at him "wait what?" He puts his hands in his pockets "yeah. Sorry was it wrong?" I shake my head "no. It's just surprising. So what does this mean ?" We back up against a wall. He looks me dead in the eye . "It means your special to me." My heart is literally going to pop right out of my chest "how special? Like I'm a special friend of yours?" "Whatever you want it to be" I give him a look "okay. Don't give me mixed signs here." He sighs "I think you are special to me. Take it however you like" "okay. I think you suck at telling your feelings because I'm confused." He slams his arm on the wall and gets close to my face "I do and I'm sorry. I like you . I just think it's too soon" "too soon for what?" He presses his body onto mine "to become a couple. You leave in like a month. And I don't know when I'll see you again".
I push him off me he's startled "you know. I still had faith in the fact that we were gonna meet some day. I couldn't get you out of head. And know being with you makes me fall Harder for you everyday and I can't control it. So what I leave in a month . What you think I won't come back?.. I was even going to try to apply for a college here. So we can still keep in contact . So if you like me, you wouldn't care about the distance. Or the fact it's too soon. I would do anything to keep you." I brush his shoulder and storm out .

*Chat Me* (Jack Gilinsky Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now