Chapter 8

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*24 hours away*
"Are you all packed up?" My mom asks me. After the ceremony last night . We went out for dinner to celebrate and now we are here I'm all packed up for Nebraska and my plane leaves in 4 hours. I nod "yes mom" she smiles "good. So are you heading to Savannah's now?" I nod "yes she wants to hit the mall before we gotta go" my mom hugs me tight "I'll miss you" I hug her back before pulling away "I'll miss you too mom" I smile "I can't believe your leaving me for 2 months" I laugh "mom. I'll be coming home in August. It's not I'm leaving for years" she sighs "I know but it will be weird without you here" "I'll call all the time okay" she nods "alright get going before I change my mind" I kiss her cheek before loading all my bags into the car . When my sister walks up to me .
I look at her "yea" she sighs "I'll miss you" I smile "I'll miss you too Anna" she smiles and hugs me "sorry for being a bitch to you all the time." I laugh "it's okay . I'll see you guys in August" I kiss her head before getting into my car and driving away to Savannahs.
Mall. (3 more hours)
"So why are we here?" I ask Savannah "I need a new swim suit and some dresses" I nod "okay." We walk into Rue 21. I'm looking at clothes when Savannah hits my shoulder "what?" "Look" I look up to see Nicole and Brody together . Holding hands & he's giving her kisses . I smile "how cute" I say . Savannah scuffs "yeah okay" "what?" I say "they both are gross" "come on be nice. At least they are happy together" she rolls her eyes at me. I walk away and Nicole spots me "hi Maddy" "hey Nicole." Brody looks and smiles "hey" "hi Brody." Nicole says "so what you doing here?" "Shopping with Savannah before we leave" "Where you going?" She asks "Nebraska for the summer" "nice. Me and Brody are going to Montana to meet my mom's side of the family and ride horses" "that's cool " I say before I'm being tugged by Savannah. I wave "have fun bye guys" I get pulled out "what was that for?" I ask her "they were annoying" I roll my eyes "no it was only you that was Savannah" she looks at me "are you kidding me?" "No. They did nothing to you. Yeah I know that I have a history with both of them . But they both apologized to me and I'm being nice about it. You need to stop acting snotty I was just having a normal conversation with them . They seem happy together and that's what they deserve okay" she sighs "fine I'm sorry . I just was never fond of them at all " "it's okay. Let's just get going we have a flight to catch soon" she nods and we head out.
Airport .
Last time I was ever on a plane was when I was 8. Our family took a vacation for the summer in Florida. I was so scared that I ended up crying all the way there . My mom had to hold me so I'd stop shaking . Ever since I never have been on a plane, so we'll see how this goes .
"now boarding those to Nebraska" Savannah grabs my hand and we run onto the plane. We find our seats and sit down . I run my hand through my hair and look to Savannah "you okay?" She asks . I nod "just a little scared haven't been on a plane since I was 8" "I remember you telling me your story. You'll be okay" she smiles "thanks" I rest my eyes as we take off.
6 hours later.
I'm sound asleep when I feel someone poking the side of my stomach . I groan "stop" I slowly open my eyes to see Savannah with her bag poking me "we landed wake up" I stand up to see everyone leaving the plane. I quickly grab my bag and we walk off the plane "what time is it?" I ask . "Uh almost 8" "jeez. So how far away is your aunts house?" "An hour and we gotta unpack all of our stuff. So you can't see your stud muffin til tomorrow" I laugh "stud muffin?" She nods "yes now let's get a taxi"
Hour later.
We arrive at Savannah's aunt place. It's pretty huge. Wow
It's pitch black so I can't make out the color of the house. But it's at least 3 stories. We pull up and knock on the front door .
Seconds later I'm greeted by Savannah's Aunt Piper. She smiles and let's us in "girls I've been so excited to see you both" we both smile "missed you Piper" I say . Savannah rolls her eyes "stop where are our rooms?" "Aw follow me". She leads us up the stairs, and down the hall. She opens 2 doors and I'm greeted with a huge ass room.
It's twice the size of my bedroom back home. There is 2 beds on opposites sides. We both have our own dresser, make up area, bathroom and a huge walk in closet "make yourself at home. And I'll have breakfast ready at 10 am tomorrow morning if you want some . If not it will be left in the fridge but I'll be gone at work. So explore. Goodnight girls" she hugs us both and leaves.
Savannah plops herself on her bed. "Can't believe your Aunt has this huge of a house . What does she do for a living again?" "She works a some big company. I forgot the name. But she makes tons of money" "lucky" "so has Jack texted you?" "I had my phone off so idk" I turn it on and see 2 new messages from Jack .
Jack : hey :)
Jack: you in Nebraska yet?
They were sent 2 hours ago . I reply
Me: hi :) yes. sorry I fell asleep on the plane ride and just got to Savannah's aunt house a little bit ago haha:)
Jack: it's okay . Haha well I can't believe we will meet each other in person shortly :)
Me: me neither haha:) where should I meet you tomorrow ?
Jack: I got a Magacon convention going down tomorrow morning . I got 2 tickets it's at noon. So then ;) . Haha
Me: omg my first ever Magacon convention :) this is exciting I'll see you then . Goodnight
Jack: lol. You're cute :) night
I fall back into bed "we are going to a Magacon convention at noon tomorrow according to Jack" I tell Savannah "yay. Can't wait night Maddy" "night" I close my eyes and go to bed .

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