Quarantine, Calum Hood

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( 2,6k words, pretty smutty and unedited work )

Quarantine, no one knew what to do. After Calum and I moved in together a year ago, we were pretty much busy with work. I needed to study for work, since I was a teacher and gave a lot of online classes and Calum and the boys were hanging with their fourth Album CALM. We had strict plans, as well as during the lockdown. It was another stressful day, when I came home from grocery shopping. The stores full with people and everyone was just rude and thankfully Crystal and I needed stuff from the store, so she drove with me.

"Calum, I'm back!" I yelled through the house, when Duke jumped from the couch and ran up to me, barking happily and jumping around my leg. I laughed, going to the kitchen and putting the bags on the table, where Calum and I usually had breakfast or ate dinner. Heavy steps from downstairs were audible, when Calum jogged downstairs and smiled softly. I asked him to clean the dishes, so when I turned around, I saw the dirty dishes and sigh.

"Calum," I started, but he broke me off. "Y/n, I know. I forgot it, I'll do it now, okay?" he kissed my cheek and turned to the dishes. I felt mad for some reason and when I tend to get mad, I usually stop interacting with people, so that's what I did. I put the groceries in their place and went into the bedroom, where I got undressed and grab a pair of Calum's shirts, which was long enough so I just wore that.

Going downstairs with a book in my hand, I ignored Calum, who sat next to me and wrapped his arms around me. "Talk to me, love." he mumbles, kissing my jaw. "Hi." I reply and he sighs. "Babe, you know what I mean. I know you're mad." the bassist begged, but I only shrugged. "Don't you think that I have every right to be mad, Calum?" I asked, making him cock his eyebrows up. "What? No. It was just a work of ten minutes and,"

"You don't get it, Calum! I'm the one who's constantly cleaning this house! You just excuse yourself for meetings, interviews or after dinners I would like to ask you, how your day ways, but Mr. Hood goes downstairs, for solid three hours, plays his bass and comes back, when I'm in my office, teaching!" I snap and put the book away, making him groan.

"Y/n, again?" he snarls, getting up as well. "Yes, Calum. Again. Because do you know how horrible I feel?" I yelled and punched against his chest, which made him roll with his brown eyes. "You feel horrible? Y/n, I don't know if you noticed but the world doesn't spin around you!" he yells and I literally stumbled back. "You... you know what I mean."

"So you mean I'm selfish?" I stiffened a bitter laugh, making him whine. "Yes... what? No! I'm just as exhausted as you are!" he snaps and I roll with my eyes. "Yeah, because everything spins around Calum Hood right?" I hiss and tried to leave the room. I wanted to go to the kitchen, at least I could calm myself down with cooking.

"Oh, no. You aren't getting out of this, y/n!" with that, Calum picks me up, his arms wrapped around my body, causing my throat to let a yelp. "Calum, let me fucking down!" I snap and punch against his back. Calum's arms were around my thighs, while the shirt riddled up and I was pretty sure he saw my black lace panties.

"You wanted my attention? There you get it, brat." with that he threw me on the bed and pulled his shirt off. "Calum," I tried to say at least something, because I needed a civil discussion about this, but Mr. Hood had other plans, he grabbed the hem of my - technically his - shirt and pulled it over my body, exposing my half naked state.

"You're being such a bitch lately, do you know that, y/n?" his lips spread sloppy kisses on my neck and I closed my eyes. "Calum, we need to- fuck." I felt his teeth digging into my skin, making me moan and I knew he was grinning. Cocky bastard. "I should punish you, shouldn't I? For acting like a brat for the last couple months." his hands were cold on my warm skin, slowly touching the back lace of my bra. "Up." I obeyed, letting him unclasp my bra and throw it across our bedroom.

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