Yum... Doritos

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Hey, I'm back! Half-Blood101 does not know I'm doing this, so be quiet, please? For little ol' Leo? Thank you.

This first one is from @Shellsandcheesesage! Make sure to check out her page! O.K. She says I dare you to eat some Doritos and say they taste like Bill Cipher. At first I'm all like 'that will be easy!' Then I asked Half-Blood101 who Bill Cipher was. Turns out he's some crazy dream demon from a show. I hope he's not real.

*At local convenience store* Cashier: That'll be five dollars.

Five dollars? That's a rip-off!

Cashier: Would you like the Doritos or not?

Fine. *Takes Dorito bag and walks home. Sits in chair and eats a Dorito* That was pretty good. It tastes like Bill Cipher.

*One-eyed, yellow triangle with a cane and top hat appears* Bill Cipher: What'd you say?

Uh, I said my Dorito tastes like Bill.

Bill: *Face palms* Ugh, that really gets annoying. You know what, I'm gonna haunt your dreams for the rest of your puny little human life. See ya! *Disappears*

That was weird. If you wanna ask or dare me anything, please comment!

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