Stealing...What I'm Best At...

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Shellsandcheesesage left the following comment on the last chapter: I need you to steal Calypso's heart! Make a grand gesture and promise to stay together forever! Have it be at night in the woods or on the beach. Don't buy her a present. Make her one with your fabulous engineering skills.

Published on Valentine's Day! Perfect!

Also, WARNING: If you do not like the mushy goo shy romance stuff, do not read this chapter!

Me: So, Calypso, since it's Valentine's Day, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a... date.

Calypso *is blushing*: Yeah, of course. Where do you want to meet?

Me: Meet me at the beach at eight. See you there! *I kiss her cheek and run away to my cabin and frantically make the best present I can make*

Fast forward to eight o'clock.

*Look down at watch. It says 8:01* Me: Oh no, did she forget? *is holding tiny metal Festus I made in about an hour*

*Calypso shows up. She sits down next to me* Calypso: Hey, Leo.

Me: Good afternoon fair maiden. *I take her hand and kiss it*

Me: I made you this. Happy Valentine's Day. *I take out tiny Festus*

Calypso: Aw, Leo, it's so beautiful! Thank you. *And we kiss*

Me: *I stand up* Calypso, I will be yours forever. You have stolen my heart and I cannot live without you. So, *I kneel down* will you be my Valentine?

So, long story short, she said yes, we kissed, then we just payed down and watched the night sky. It was a very romantic evening, indeed. Very romantic. Now if you need me, I'll be making sure Festus doesn't catch Calypso's hair on fire. Probably shouldn't have made him able to breath fire...

So in the meantime, why don't you ask and dare me?

Ask and Dare Me (Leo Valdez)Where stories live. Discover now