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The rain poured down on my soft skin as the smell of summer rain filled my nostrils. To some people that might sound like the worst case scenario before going into work, but I absolutely loved every single bit of it. There was nothing more freeing than standing out in the rain pouring down on me.

Unfortunately a familiar voice pulled me out from my moment of freedom. "Valencia we have to go!" Aaron yelled from the black car he was picking me up in. My hair was soaked and so was my clothes. "Are you fucking stupid or something? You have to be on set in the matter of hours and here you are ruining your hair" Aaron looked at me in disgust.

"I'm sorry Aaron" Was all I said as I looked out the tinted window from the passenger seat.

"Change into this" he said and handed me an outfit. "Nah I'm good" I told him. "This was a demand and if you want to keep that job, you better change right fucking now" Aaron's voice was irritated but then again this was his normal voice he would speak in.

"I will change when I get to the bathroom the moment I get there" I said. I didn't really feel comfortable stripping in a car with him by my side.

Aaron had been my boss for around 3 months now. I have definitely seen a change in my career since he got around but it was on different terms too, unfortunately that was just how the industry worked for models and actors.

I exited the car and walked into the building where I would meet the band I would be working with for the music video. I would normally look up the band I was working with in advance but I had been running on no sleep for the last two weeks and it slipped my mind completely.

I found a bathroom in the lobby where I changed out of my wet clothes and fixed up my makeup making me look presentable. After all it would be the first time meeting these people so I should probably have put more effort into myself.

Aaron was waiting for me outside in the lobby. We were escorted by an assistant to the meeting room where the band would be at. She opened the door for us and there stood the people I would be working with.

The first person I noticed was the only blond in the whole room with blue eyes and a perfect perl smile that every grandmother would die for. "Hi I'm Jure" He extended his hand.

The next person to introduce himself was the shortest one of them. He had chestnut brown hair that matched his eyes perfectly. "My name is Bojan" He smiled at me.

"I'm Nace" A tall man told me. From the first look of it he looked a bit intimidating from his broad shoulders and tattoos but the moment he spoke up he just gave me the energy of a big teddy bear.

The last person in the band to introduce himself to me was the tallest one of them all. He looked pretty scrawny but as soon as he turned his back to me 'scrawny' was the last word I would use to describe his ass. "Hello sweetheart, I'm Kris" He said.

"And you are...?" They all almost asked at the same time.

"I'm Valencia Porter" I politely smiled at them all.

"Great to meet you Valencia, I'm Mark Pirc and I will be the one instructing the music video 'Demoni'" A man with a hat on told me where he gestured to me taking a seat opposite of the band. "We are missing one member right now but I think we should just get started"

"Of course he is missing, nothing else would surprise me" Kris rolled his eyes at his missing band member.

"How much have you heard about the music video so far Valencia?" Mark asked me.

"Honestly nothing. I was first informed about this happening yesterday" I said being completely honest. Aaron was known for keeping me on a short notice when it came to getting jobs.

You're so dark - Jan PetehWhere stories live. Discover now