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The dynamic between the whole group was incredible. Bojan was not the biggest fan of me being there but as long as he could ignore me, he was fine. Maya as the angel she was, got along so well with everyone, I mean she had met them before but back then we were a much bigger group so she didn't get close to people but this time we got on a more personal level.

We had been playing never have I ever for a while and things started to get interesting.

"Never have I ever had a friend with benefits" Nace wiggled his eyes. Jan, Maya, Jure and Bojan without hesitation took a shot.

"Excuse me what? Why?" I asked them. I never understood why anyone would have a relationship just consisting of sex, I mean I generally never understood why people hyped sex up so much but maybe that was just me not really getting anything good.

"Because it's fun" Bojan shrugged. "Oh you are really fitting the rock and roll stereotype" I rolled my eyes.

"So what? We are rockstars baby" Jan said while pulling me into his shoulder for a quick squeeze with his arm around my shoulders but he forgot to move it again. Jan was for sure the most drunk person at the table since he apparently had done every imaginable thing.

"Yeah but just because you are rockstars doesn't mean you have to use people for sex" I said.

"That's where you get the term 'friends with benefits' wrong, it is a mutual decision between two adults that encounter in sex with no strings attached. They just get together a few times a week to let off some steam" Bojan very nicely explained to me but it felt a bit mocking. "I know you clearly don't have a interesting sex life but don't judge ours because we are actually enjoying it" He said as he bobbed my nose.

I threw his finger off me. "I have a very interesting sex life to your knowledge" I crossed my arms over my chest while clearly lying but they didn't have to know that. I didn't want to seem boring.

Maya let out a big snort. "That is the biggest lie you have ever told me. Will is the most vanilla person I know off, if I'm not wrong he will probably cum before you and then just let you get off yourself" Maya said. I hadn't even told her about my sex life yet but somehow she always knew.

"Well-" I shrugged but was cut off my Jan. "How about foreplay, how long does he take to do that?" He asked.

This conversation was getting way too personal for my liking. "What do you mean exactly by foreplay? Like kissing?" I confusedly asked.

I was pretty used to just make out with my partner before they pulled out their cock to fuck me, that was how everyone did it, right?

"Kissing down your body, groping your inner thigh, going down on you, and just turning each other on '' Jan explained it so casually but my cheeks were on fire just by him saying all those things, almost imagining it all happening. I was so glad that the bar we were in was dark or everyone would be able to tell.

"Uhm... yeah all that" I looked away since Will had never done that. He normally just got straight to the point. "Next question" I cleared my throat hoping to move on to another question.

"Never have I ever been to a sex shop? '' Kris read out loud. All the others took a shot except for me, and looked at me like I was an insane person as if they weren't all freaks.

"Are you telling me you have never tried out any toys?" Maya gasped. I gently shook my head. "I mean not even with a partner, just in general when you are alone?" She elaborated to which I shook my head again.

"Why would I want that? I mean I'm doing pretty good on my own" I defended myself even though I couldn't even remember the last time I had even touched myself. I always felt the fat on my stomach and thighs when my fingers would skim over my body. It disguted myself and I could only imagine how other must feel. That was probably the reason why sex with Will never lasted longer than 5 minutes since he couldn't bare the thought of having sex with me.

You're so dark - Jan PetehWhere stories live. Discover now