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To say I had been rushing and running around all morning would have been an understatement. Since I slept on the couch last night my alarm clock in my room didn't wake me up.

I was supposed to be at the shoot at 10am but now it was currently 9:40 am and I was still not in the car driving over there. I was glad that I didn't have to get ready with makeup and hair since they had stylists at the shoot who would do it for me.

My stomach was rumbling so hard that I forced a banana down to keep me sane. I kissed Igor goodbye and grabbed my keys.

Of course I had forgotten everything about my car not working since also was the reason Aaron drove me yesterday. This day was getting worse and worse by the minute.

I grabbed my phone where I quickly booked an Uber. More minutes went by and I could feel the anxiety kicking in. They must all think I'm so unprofessional for being late. They would probably replace me the minute I would get there.

When the Uber finally showed up I just told him to drive as fast as he could since the time now said 10:01 am. The drive was around 15 minutes and in the time frame from getting to my house and getting to the shoot I was basically receiving death threats from Aaron.

I decided to just ignore them for now and deal with him when I arrived at the set. The first location we would shoot at was in a field where I would start off by seducing Kris.

The moment the car stopped I ran as fast as I could towards where the makeup trailers were at. Mark was the first person I saw. "I'm so fucking sorry Mark, I can't even start to explain all my excuses.." I apologised to him.

"Sweetie take a deep breath.....it's okay you are here now so let's just get you into a makeup chair and start shooting" Mark laid his hand on my back to follow me to the makeup trailer.

When I entered the trailer Kris was sitting there in the chair getting his hair touched up. "Hello Valencia, good to see you" Kris smiled at me. I took a seat next to him as the makeup artist started working.

"Honestly you and Jan would make a great pair considering how you are both late" Kris laughed.

"Oh god it's so embarrassing for me. I swear I'm usually never late" I told him.

"So tell me why you were late, we are probably gonna be sitting here for awhile anyways" Kris asked me.

I ended up going into way too many details about how my whole morning had gone and he for sure didn't ask for so many details but I just needed to get it out of my system so I would be able to focus on my work today.

I noticed Kris was a really good listener and surprisingly not interrupting me every single moment. We ended up just talking a bit about his band and so on before we were both ready to go onto set.

For this scene I was wearing a white mini dress where Kris was wearing white flowy pants with a white flowy button up. So this style of the clothes was very loose fitting and more in touch with nature.

"So we will start with you guys having a picnic in the car whereas Valencia then takes Kris into the field. He is so memorised by her that he follows along and the deeper they get into the field, the higher the grass grows. The moment you hit the middle and stand there, that is the moment you go to attack him" Mark shortly explained just so we were caught up with what was gonna happen.

Kris offered to help me up in the car but I was fine doing it myself. The camera started rolling as he fed each other strawberries and faked laughter spread amongst us. His laugh was kinda funny so at one point I truly laughed at him.

The moment came as I pulled Kris closer to where we were inches away from each other. My hand moved down his arm before taking his hand and leading him towards the grass. Kris was a really good actor in that sense he just followed me lead by looking at me as if I was a god.

You're so dark - Jan PetehWhere stories live. Discover now