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Jan's Pov:

"Why the hell are you even going tonight?" Bojan asked me as the whole band was at our rehearsal spot. "Do you not remember how hurt you were the last time she latched out on you?"

"Bojan you just don't understand her the way I do" he was really getting on my nerves at that point, telling me all the things that were wrong about Valencia.

"What do I not understand Peteh? You just want to fuck her so why the hell are you putting so much energy in to it?" Bojan said. "Sure she is hot but she is not all that"

"If you don't shut the fuck up right now, I'm gonna punch you" I felt my fists clench together as I started Bojan down. Nace however came and pulled me back. "Alright guys, how about we talk about something else?" Nace suggested.

"Fine. We can talk about how Jan is being delusional thinking that Valencia actually want him" Bojan kept on pushing.

"Bojci how about you just go for a walk and blow all that negative steam off you clearly have so much off" Kris told him.

Bojan groaned but realised it probably would be for the best or else this situation would get out of hand really quick if he kept pushing it. In the band we would often know when to stop but Bojan always had to go the extra mile.

"So Peteh, why exactly is it you are going out with her?" Nace asked in a much more calm and collected tone.

"She wanted to make up for the time she yelled at me and for taking care of Igor" I said to them.

"But what happened to her saying that you should never contact her again" Kris questioned. I must admit it was very confusing so I did understand why they kept asking so many questions.

"I don't know much but she told me that she is used to being used by other people so she normally just shuts everyone out to protect herself" I explained to them. I really didn't like being the person sharing her problems but the guys needed to understand why I gave her so many chances.

"Oh so she is afraid to get close to people because her past has probably shown that she cant trust people, isn't that right? " I nodded at Jure.

It all really seemed as if they understood it since being famous had definitely changed a few friendships for us all in the band.

Bojan came back about an hour later where he pulled me to the side. "I'm sorry Peteh for getting so upset with you. I honestly just want you to be happy and when you came to me crying after she left I made a promise to myself to not let you end up in that situation again but if you are telling me that she genuinely cares about you, then I will drop my attitude towards her" He said to me.

It felt very sincere so I accepted it. We were like brothers so it was hard for me to keep being mad at him, especially because he had the cutest puppy eyes that no one could say no to.

"I can't say that she has changed yet but she wants to and that is the first step in the right direction. Even better if I'm the person who opened up for her to realise that there are actually nice people out there who want the best for her" I said before pulling Bojan in for a hug.

"Well how about we all show her how nice we can be?" Bojan suggested.

I honestly really didn't want the guys to tag along since I had hoped for some more alone time with Valencia. She hadn't left my mind ever since Igor ruined our moment. I loved Igor so much but at the moment I really wanted to strangle him.

Before I could say anything the other guys butt in. "That's an amazing idea Bojci, we are for sure gonna tag along" Kris said with a smile on his face.

You're so dark - Jan PetehWhere stories live. Discover now