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The sun shone right into my eye waking me from my slumber. Arms were wrapped around my waist as his head was right by my neck softly snoring. I carefully turned around to face him. Some might say that the gap between the teeth was an imperfection but I thought it was the exact opposite. It made Jan look so special where it fitted his face perfectly when he would smile.

"I swear I'll call the police if you keep staring at me" Jan suddenly said as I was admiring him. It shook me so I jumped a bit.

"I wasn't" I lied and turned around. Jan then pulled me back against his chest. Somehow I felt as if all my troubles disappeared when I was in his arms.

Igor jumped up on the bed and started licking Jan in the head. I remember Igor once did that to Will where he then threw Igor off the bed. Jan would never even consider hurting Igor, he treated Igor like he was his child. Igor for sure also had a soft spot for Jan since he immediately started pouring the moment Jan stroked his body.

We laid there for about an hour just in silence watching the sun rise over the city out the window. It wasn't awkward or anything like that. It was a comfortable silence that I definitely needed after everything that had gone down yesterday. I was mentally so drained and just needed that silence to collect myself again.

"Time to get up Val" Jan's sleepy voice told me and raised himself from the bed holding his hand out for me to take. I grabbed it and walked downstairs with Igor following close behind.

"What do you want for breakfast?" Jan asked me to go through his cabinets. "I'm not really that hungry" I shrugged. "Val how about I make my mom's favourite croissant and some avocado toast? No one can say no to that" Jan suggested with puppy eyes trying to convince me to say yes.

"Fine" I rolled my eyes and walked into the living room where I turned on the television. I was just gonna do what I was used to when it came to being forced to eat. Not that I wanted to satisfy Will by doing as he said, but he still had a point.

I watched 'The Office' as Jan was preparing breakfast for us. Probably one of my favourite series in the world. I especially loved Dwight since he was just so weird but in a good way. And an unpopular opinion might be that the two last seasons were my favourites.

I saw Jan placing the food on the table so I shut the tv off and made my way towards him. He pulled out the chair for me to sit in as the gentleman he was. It was those small things that made Jan so likeable.

"I want you to try the avocado toast first. My mother dropped the bread off yesterday and I really want your opinion on it" Jan observed me as I took a bite of the food. It melted in my mouth immediately from how good it was. "This is amazing Janci" I complimented.

We made small talk during breakfast but all I could think about was the calories feeding me up. I didn't want to be rude towards Jan so I finished my plate even though all I wanted to do was get it all out of my system so I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

"Don't go" Jan got up and took my hand from going any further. "I just need to go to the bathroom" I lied and Jan could see right through me.

"Don't do this to yourself, you are worth so much more than your body and for you to live your life you need fuel" Jan pulled me close but I needed to get it all out of my system as fast as possible or it would stay in my stomach.

"Janci I can't, please let me go" I felt tears forming in my eyes again as I fought against Jan's strength. He pulled me against his chest and started going down the wall so we were sitting on the ground. "No, I can't have this in my body. I can't be loved looking like this" I cried out in his arms.

You're so dark - Jan PetehWhere stories live. Discover now