Ch 15 Marco

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Anger and rage were the only two things on my mind for days after my fiancé's rant about the announcement. I'm a fucking monster but I had some morals, I would never lay a hand on her nor would I give her a false sense of hope. I saw everything in her while all she saw was the devil running through me. If she wanted the devil, she was going to fucking get it. There was nothing else to talk about with her. She expected a loveless marriage, then that's what she was going to get. She thinks all I want to do is pump her up with fucking bratty ass children then that's the direct opposite of what she's going to get. She thinks this life is going to get handed to you on a silver platter, when all she's' going to get the cold fucking war. I may not agree with the fact I have to marry her, but it was for duty and for as long as I live, I never do anything half assed. When the time comes, she will be treated as such in front of an audience but the moment they are gone there was going to be nothing between the two of us. There were things I needed to take care of since we are going to act like we could care less about anything that is going on. "Marco, I didn't mean to-." replayed in my head over and over again. The more she had pleaded the more I wanted to shove my dick down her throat so all I could hear was her gagging on my cock. I wanted to fuck all the pent-up anger and frustration that I had out. She was mine at my disposal after all, she was my fiancé. She was going to get everything she wanted but at a fucking price. 

I needed to fucking focus on what was important, I left her behind in Milan with my sister and Alyssa while I flew out to Rome to follow up on "Blue Diamond". Blue Diamond was a resort and casino that Travis, Rocco, and I started funding and building to bring revenue into the family business. The more we could control the better and since I was going to be in control of all of Italy's crimes it was time that we all needed to disband. Travis is going to take over Rome and anything south of it, it was pretty big, so I decided to task him instead of who was already appointed down there. Rocco is going to be in charge of Venice, the fucker that was in charge over there was circling the drain ever since he decided to launder money under Tony's nose and thought he wasn't going to notice. I finally got to the construction site where it looked like everything was on track from what was projected eight months ago. We still had a lot of things to get through, but this was a start and something that was worth dwelling on since everything else in my life was going to complete shit.

 "Marco, what are you doing here?" Travis looked stressed beyond belief but never wanted anyone to pry on what was going on in his head. Travis and I were alike in many ways. The only difference is that he was in love with one woman his entire life and would literally lay on the pavement and let her run his life if it was up to him. It never made him steer clear from his work though, he was focused on anything and everything that was needed from him. He didn't mind getting his hands dirty but rather let me do it. "Shouldn't you be with your fiancé? It's been a whole month since you last saw her." Walking past him I grabbed a yellow hat and made my way inside. I walked into a room that looked like what was going to be the lobby and was washed with content, everything I envisioned was coming to life right in front of me. There was a big fountain that was designed by my mother in her sketchbooks that was locked away in a safe at our family hotel in Lake Como sitting in the middle of the room while the receptionist desk was on either side. "Don't bring up my fiancé if you want to keep your job asshole. I am aware how long it has been since I've seen her." Travis gives me a look that says stop being an ass. While I reply with a don't fucking push me look

This entire time I've been here my inner thoughts tell me to call my plane and take me back home to Stefanie, but I wasn't going to beg her to change her mind about marrying me. It wasn't beneath me, but I don't see the point, the moment she decides she wants me to be around and "love" her is the day I will try my best. Dealing with Stefanie takes all your patience and right about now I don't fucking have it. Between her, the transition, the resort project, the Bravata, and my dad being under the radar has me spread thin. Daniel is there to keep watch over the girls while I take care of business. "So, we are on track to open as early as July if everything goes right. They approved all of our license requests, gambling rules, and our underground business inquiries." One of the real main reasons why we decided to open up the casino was for the mafia's sake. Unlike Milan and Venice, they didn't openly condone our violent tendencies, at first, I told them to fuck off, but they warned me that they would indict me with every and any possible crime if it wasn't under my payroll and not in the street causing rep problems. We came to an agreement that any and all crimes that were done in Rome were going to be under our casino where people wouldn't bat an eye. 

Once again, the public is gullible to big and shiny things while we profit off of them for generations to come. Business is business. "Good." Looking around at what a monster, this place was, my phone was going off every five minutes. I tried to ignore it, but Travis picked it up and saw the millions of calls and texts I have been avoiding from my fiancé. There was nothing to say to her since she isn't a big fan of mine if we are going to be honest. I can hate her but still respect her to the point I make sure she eats and gets taken care of. She doesn't need physical attention from me to stay put. Between the two of us she knows she can't hide anywhere in this world, and I won't fucking find her. I snatched the phone out of Travis's hands and answered the phone. "Marco, you can't keep ignoring me. Please come home, we need to talk." Home. It was weird hearing it from a woman since I'd never thought we would get here, ever since I've moved my fiancé in, she has made my house a home. There was a womanly touch to my kitchen and family room. Her tiny shoes by the door and her blankets in every room because she gets cold wherever she goes. There wasn't a place in my home, I mean our home that she wasn't there. Well except one. "What is there to talk about Stefanie? I am giving you a taste of what marriage is going to look like between the two of us." I said in a flat tone. She didn't like the sound of being stuck with me 24/7 well here you go. "You have got to be kidding me. You're really going to run away because you don't like anything I said? I thought you were better and smarter than this." she said in a disappointing tone.

"No, what you don't understand is that I am about to be the most sought after and dangerous man in all of Italy. I have business to attend to and people to pop up on. What I cannot be is on my hands and feet begging for you to open your eyes and look at the situation as a whole. I will be home when I decide I want to come home." I may not be the best person to be in a relationship with, but I am a great communicator, nothing is ever left unsaid on my end. "Is there someone else?" Her voice went soft and wary. The question itself threw me off, would that make her feel better about her marrying me. Knowing that she won't have to worry about having to fuck me? "No. I don't condone cheating Angel. I may be a monster, but I hate infidelity. I'm completely yours as you are completely mine. End of story." I told her in a convincing tone. Everything I was telling her was the fucking truth, when I commit to something I give it my all or my best. "Moment of honesty?" My fiancé's voice sounded like it was going to break at any given moment but from what I can hear, she was practicing her breathing and leveled her voice. "I miss you, Marco. I miss you so much I don't know what to do with myself. This house feels so fucking empty." It felt like someone took a dagger and stabbed me in the heart over and over again. "I sent everyone away because they aren't you, please come home. I don't know what I'm doing baby." Baby? She never called me anything else other than Marco or the repetition of referring me to the devil. If I was the same old Marco, her pleading would have her looking at her phone with anger and disgust. But this was different, I was becoming Capo dei Capi and there was a certain reputation I had to uphold with my future wife. Plus, the holidays were right around the corner, and we had a ball we were hosting to announce the engagement. 

Everything was moving so fast that I guess I do need to slow down and stop booking myself to the point where I don't see her. "I'll see you soon angel." Next thing you know I am calling my pilot to prepare the plane to go home to my fiancé. What the fuck is happening to me? I never interrupted my life to go home to a woman. The only thing is she wasn't just any woman. She was mine. For taking? For loving? Who the fuck knows right now. I'm coming home to my Angel. Anything and everything you want you can have. 

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