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trigger warnings listed in opening author's note

"i would, but i'm going up to george's," sapnap politely declines as he accesses the apartment elevator with his keycard. the blond by his side nods understandingly, stepping into the elevator with him.

"that's fair, i used to be the same with foolish."

"he doesn't go here, does he?" sapnap asks, pressing the number for both george and punz's floors. punz has spoken about his boyfriend quite a lot during the lectures that sapnap has attended, and he does the same about george, but sapnap is yet to actually meet foolish.

"nah, he took a gap year," punz answers. the elevator dings and it reaches the first floor and the blond smiles as he moves to leave. "i'll text you later."

"alright, see you," sapnap waves, pressing the button to close the lift doors. he turns to look at the mirror behind himself, checking his hair while he waits to reach the next floor. sapnap has a sneaking suspicion that punz probably won't message him, at least, not unless he's asking whether or not sapnap intends to attend their next lecture tomorrow.

sapnap turns again when the elevator stops, waiting for the doors to open before stepping out on george's floor. he takes his phone out, quickly navigating his way to his texts and sending george a simple 'let me in'. it would be good if he could message george while in the elevator, but you don't get service in there so he is left waiting.

the message goes from delivered to read, and sapnap looks expectantly up at the doorway before him, knowing his boyfriend will appear at any second.

maybe he's just in the honeymoon phase at the start of their relationship, but sapnap is always irrationally excited to see the brit. after mere weeks of knowing one another, george is easily one of his favourite people in the universe. sure, maybe their relationship might seem rushed to some people, but sapnap finds that he really enjoys having the opportunity to continue getting to know his boyfriend even after they became a couple.

a grin cracks across sapnap's face when the door opens and george comes into sight, and he feels light on his feet as he moves over to the brunette. he always has the urge to pull george against him and envelope him in a hug but they've learnt from the previous time, when they both got locked out because the door shut behind george, that that's not a good idea.

instead, he infiltrates george's space, stepping into the apartment and bringing up a hand to hold his boyfriend's jaw. george lets go of the door, and sapnap can hear it closing behind them as he leans in to press their lips together.

they kiss, gentle and delicate, and sapnap feels his heart skip a beat at the warm softness of plump lips against his own chapped ones.

he's never enjoyed kissing as much as he does with george. before, kissing felt like something he had to rush through to get something more on the other end. with george, kissing feels like levitating into a world of pink clouds and rainbows.

sapnap could kiss george for all of eternity and never get bored, but he's robbed of the chance when george breaks the moment by moving back.

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