pizza and popcorn

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trigger warnings listed in opening author's note

dream pushes the apartment door open with his elbow, struggling to handle his key card as well as the two large pizzas in his arms. he steps into the hallway, shouting, "i'm here."

he's surprised when sapnap calls back, "so are george and karl."

to be fair, the pizza took way longer than it should've, so he really shouldn't be surprised about the boys already being here. he takes the long route to the kitchen so he can pass through the lounge, offering smiles to the three boys.

sapnap and george are already cuddled up on the couch, with george half on the ravenette's lap and the younger's arms tight around his shoulders. karl is sitting a few feet away on the other end of the couch, and the brunette turns back to smile at dream.

"sorry i'm late," he apologises. it feels forced, but dream tries to keep his eyes on karl because that feels like what he's supposed to do. "let me go get plates and stuff."

"i'll come help," the brunette offers, and dream can hear him getting up to follow as the blond heads into the kitchen.

"we're starting the movie!" sapnap calls, his annoying smile audible in his tone. dream doesn't bother complaining, since he isn't a huge movie guy anyway and he doesn't mind missing the first five minutes. plus, he'll still be able to hear it from the kitchen because sapnap always has everything turned up ridiculously high.

dream puts the pizzas down, noticing the popcorn packet on the counter and fondly rolling his eyes - sapnap had one job. he picks it up, briefly reading over the instructions on the back as he steps towards the microwave.

"where are your plates?" karl asks, standing by the opposite counter.

"above the sink," dream answers as he shoves the popcorn onto the microwave. he sets the timer for just less than the suggested, because he doesn't think he's ever made perfectly un-burnt popcorn.

he starts the microwave and moves over to karl as the brunette lays the plates down on the counter. "thanks."

"no worries," karl smiles, turning to face dream.

they stand close, mere inches between them, and dream glances into the lounge to see their friends sitting in peaceful silence, cuddled up with their attention fixed on the opening scenes of some marvel movie. dream drops his voice to a whisper, low and secretive, "so, double date."

"yeah," karl whispers back, scoffing out a quiet laugh. "what's the plan?"

"i guess we just have to kiss and look happy, right? are you okay with cuddling?" karl nods in response to the hushed words. "alright, just be lovey, i suppose."

"okay," karl smiles. he leans in slightly, and dream doesn't really process what's happening as soft lips press against his own. he kisses back right as karl is pulling away, which is slightly awkward but it makes a satisfying kissing sound and dream is pleased to hear shifting in the lounge. he's almost certain that sapnap just turned to look at them.

dream smiles, and karl mirrors it, and the moment is swiftly broken by the microwave behind them. it's good timing, because it gives dream a good excuse to move away from karl without it looking weird (if sapnap is watching).

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