i will try to fix you

75 10 8

trigger warnings listed in opening author's note

sapnap's face lights up on instinct when george finally leaves the lecture hall. the ravenette has been waiting outside for upwards of twenty minutes to meet his boyfriend after the class, and he's sure that george must've been one of the last out.

"hey sapnap!" quackity, george's friend, greets. he's by the brunette's side, looking exceedingly energetic.

sapnap can't help but notice that his boyfriend isn't matching the same delighted energy. instead, he looks tired and worn-out, wincing slightly at quackity's loudness. it doesn't seem like the other ravenette notices how off-put george is.

"hey quackity," sapnap replies, holding an arm out to george. his heart swoons when the brunette practically barrels into his side, pressing into sapnap's space and letting himself be protected by a heavy arm wrapping tight over his shoulders.

"i'm going to get lunch, so i'll see you guys around." sapnap nods at the other boy, offering him a wave, and he watches the ravenette disappear down the hallway. it's quite an abrupt exit, but sapnap has learnt that that's to be expected of the other male.

"are you okay?" sapnap quietly asks his boyfriend as they turn to leave, guiding them out of the building. sapnap is so pleased that the academic buildings are all so close to the accommodations, as he knows it'll be mere minutes until they're safely back in the comforts of home.

"i'm just tired," george says, shaking his left hand out as if there was something on it that he was trying to get off. sapnap tracks the movement, watching how the brunette begins to roll his wrist.

"is your hand okay?"

george groans, stepping away from sapnap. the ravenette is concerned for a second, thinking he'd started asking too many questions again, but then george starts to shake out his right wrist, and sapnap tells himself the brit probably just wanted space for the movement.

"i haven't been able to focus all lecture because my fucking wrists don't feel the same and i can't stop clicking them," george hisses out through gritted teeth. his brows are furrowed in annoyance and his breaths are audible, like he's going to cry. "and the fucking clicking isn't even fixing it and now they're not even clicking cause i clicked them too much but i need them to click to get rid of the feeling."

sapnap knows this is beyond him, something he can't solve, but he hates seeing his boyfriend in such obvious distress and not being able to do anything. "is there anything i can do to help?" he asks, quite and gentle.

he notices george's neck twitch lightly, the tick being an obvious sign of how much this is really bothering him.

"no, it's fine," george dismisses, even though it obviously isn't.

sapnap doesn't know why this situation is making him feel so hopeless, but he feels like he's drifting slowly away on the only life boat and george is left floating away at sea all on his own. maybe that's dramatic, but sapnap feels it like a magnet's push between them and it makes him feel lost.

"please george," he tries, unaware of how desperate he sounds until george glances over at him, confused. "how can i help? i really want to help."

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