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𝐈. character notes

𝐈𝐈. questions

𝐈𝐈𝐈. new book! / goodbye and thank you

𝐈. character notes

before each story, i write character profiles to help myself build up the storyline/ personalities and stuff, and i always like sharing them in the ending author's note because they're a bit like a prologue that explains the characters.

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹dream

dream is 18

he studies fine arts BA honours at college

dream's parents are harry and sandra, and he has a sister, holly (17). his parents got a divorce when he was 13 and, at that time, dream started doing weekends with his dad but he stopped when he got a choice at 16. even now, holly still sees him regularly.

dream's dad is emotionally draining and mean, so dream avoids talking to him. his dad always prioritises his sister and makes dream feel like shit about everything. dream feels invalid because he wasn't abused so he doesn't think he has a reason to hate his dad.

dream is gay and, at the start of the book, neither his father nor sister knows. he doesn't trust holly (his sister) to know without accidentally telling his dad.

dream's interest in art started when he was 11. he had an art teacher who gave him lots of attention, bought him gifts, and always praised him.

dream was groomed by the same teacher, and his memory from that period of time is not good because he repressed a lot of it into his subconscious memory. as time goes on, he remembers more of what happened to him, but it's likely he will never fully reconstruct a series of events from that time.

dream constantly craves validation. he feels like he always has to prove himself because of his dad and grew to need praise because of his old art teacher.

he has always been sort of introverted.

sapnap is like a brother to him, and he sees bad as more of a father to him than his biological dad.

dream is severely dyslexic. he never learnt how to read properly because his old teachers never took their time to help him so he struggles with comprehension and he still uses phonics. this is part of the reason why he loves art so much because he doesn't have to struggle to understand it.

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹sapnap

sapnap is 18

sapnap was born to bad and julia. sapnap's mom died from a stroke that caused bleeding in the brain when he was 13. for years after that, until sapnap was fifteen, he struggled a lot with depression.

at 15, sapnap started going to parties with older kids and drinking. dream always told him off for it.

dream and sapnap were always friends because bad has been friends with dream's mom, sandra, since they were kids.

when sapnap was 16, his dad started dating skeppy. sapnap was angry because he felt like his dad was replacing his mom. skeppy tries to get along with him but sapnap isn't interested.

sapnap does podiatry but he will transfer to personal training after his first year. he really wants to make the most of 'uni life' so he constantly parties and misses lectures.

sapnap doesn't realise he's an alcoholic.

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹george

george is 19.

george's parents are phil and kristin and his brother, wilbur (22), is married to sally and has a daughter, flora (3).

george and his family moved to america when he was 12, which is when wilbur met sally. george was put back a year in school because of the learning he missed during the move. for a few years, george had no friends because everyone sort of ignored him. he was the 'new kid' and everyone was already in groups.

between the ages of 12-14, he was very lonely and his compulsions and obsessions spiked, which is what led him to actually getting an OCD diagnosis at the age of 13.

when george was 14, karl joined his school. karl also had no friends because no one could communicate with him, so george learnt ASL so they could talk and be friends (the rest is history...)

george hated his phase of feeling all lonely and isolated, so now he loves meeting new people and making as many friends as possible.

george was 16 when flora was born. he used to look after her a lot when wilbur and sally were working until he turned 19 and started university. at the same time, his family moved back to england.

he studies law.

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹ karl

karl is 18

karl went straight into foster care as a baby. he got taken in by his first official foster family when he was 9. they had a biological child of their own and karl was always the second priority. the brunette was physically and emotionally abused and constantly neglected because they didn't care about him. it was soon after moving in, still at 9, when karl became a mute.

the foster family were exposed when karl was 12 and he was moved back into care. at this same time, he was being made fun of at school for his mutism and isolation. he was also 12 when he began self-harming.

schlatt already knew american sign language when he fostered karl at 13, which was part of the reason why he thought their pairing was fate. karl moving in with schlatt meant he had to move schools, which is where he met george. schlatt also sent karl to therapy, and it didn't take long for him to go from mute to selective mute in a better environment.

karl struggles to make new attachments because people in his past have always hurt him, so he isn't good with trust.

since he's over eighteen, the care system is no longer responsible for karl. he still gets money from them though, and schlatt still treats him like his son, looking after the brunette even though he is no longer obliged to.

karl is still depressed and still seriously suffers from self-harm. he does art to express himself since he struggles to talk generally, but even more so when the topic is serious.

he studies fine art BA honours.

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹background characters

tina takes fine art BA honours and makes friends with dream on their course.

punz takes podiatry and makes friends with sapnap. he has a foot fetish and he is in a long-distance relationship with his boyfriend, foolish.

quackity takes law. he has strict parents so he works hard to impress them, but then turns to weed to help himself destress.

𝐈𝐈. questions

if there are any plot holes or you just have a random question about the story/ characters, then lmk here and i'll answer asap →

𝐈𝐈𝐈. new book! // goodbye and thank you

thank you so much for reading, i hope you enjoyed ART (genius acronym i think) ! <3

my next book is called it's all futile and the first chapter is going to be posted on monday the 23rd of october! until then, i have a book where i'm posting daily oneshots for the month of october, so you should check that out!

if you did enjoy, make sure to check out my other books and my ao3 (michealhehee)

anyway, goodbye reader! i hope to see you in another book :]

one last time...

i love you


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