take two

75 7 14

trigger warnings listed in opening author's note

dream stands at the end of the counter, brow raised in amusement as he watches george and sapnap finish their 'last shot'. he knows for a fact that they're going to do many more shots when they get to the club, but he'll let them live in the delusion that they won't spend any money because they got drunk enough with pre-drinks.

"okay!" sapnap says, way too loud as the alcohol in his system seems to erode his common sense. "i'm going! i'm gone! bye!" he leans in, offering george a peck, and gives dream a messy wave as he moves towards the hallway.

"wh- sap! i'm coming with you!" george laughs, following his boyfriend, and dream fondly rolls his eyes at the pair as he watches them falling about to get their shoes on.

"don't forget your lanyard," he reminds them, nodding to the material on the hook. sapnap gasps dramatically, like dream just told him something miraculous, and takes the lanyard, hanging it over his neck. sapnap usually puts it in his pocket so the clashing colours don't ruin his outfit, but clearly he'd too drunk to care right now. "bye!"

"bye dreamie!" george calls to him, opening the door, and he receives one last wave from sapnap before the couple are leaving the apartment and the front door clicks shut.

dream stays standing in place for a moment, brain falling back to where it's been sitting for the last few days.

he's really fucking horny.

it probably makes sense like, hormonally or something, but dream feels ridiculous about how desperate he feels. he woke up with morning wood and got a weird awkward boner when he was walking home for absolutely no reason.

it's frustrating and he silently curses himself for getting head from karl, because now his body demands more and his wrist can't keep up with the demands.

dream thinks he would go for anyone right now, and he had genuinely considered going out with his friends just to find someone he could fuck, or that would fuck him, but he decided he wouldn't stoop that low.

sure, karl was technically a one-night-stand at a party, but dream thinks it's different... somehow. maybe because he already vaguely knew him? or because he still sees him in class? or because they're connected through friends? dream doesn't know, but he believes that his impromptu blowjob is not the same as fucking a randomer from a club.

maybe that's what leads him to fish his phone out of his pocket, making his way to instagram.

dream has his phone set to be yellow-tinted so it's easier for him to read, but he still has the feature on that reads out whatever you click on - when he's out, he just puts his phone on silent. he thinks the feature is meant for blind people, but he doesn't really mind. it makes life significantly easier for him, so why not?

as soon as he's on sapnap's account, he finds george's. when they started college, sapnap had deleted all of his posts and highlights so he could 'start fresh' and 'reinvent himself' so the only things there now are of george. there would be more of dream, but all they do as a pair is lounge around the house, so they don't have many post-worthy photos from the last few months.

the job of finding karl's account through george's is only slightly more of a chore. there are no pictures of those two from college either, presumably for the same reason, so dream has to go back to an old highlight from summer vacation. then, when he finds a photo of karl but the brunette isn't tagged, he goes to just search george's 'following'.

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