family reunion

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trigger warnings listed in opening author's note

george pulls his bags out of the uber, flinging one over each shoulder and holding the smaller one in his hand. he closes the door and thanks the driver once more through the open driver's window before turning to walk up the steps towards his 'family home'.

it's not really the family home, because he didn't grow up here and the building has only been lived in by his parents, but he has a room here and he supposes it's where his family lives now, so.

he drops the bag in his hand to the floor at the front door, fishing into his coat pocket to grab the key that he's yet to use. he's buzzing with so much excitement that it makes it hard to focus so, once he unlocks the door, he has to lock it again so he can actually focus on the movement.

he ends up pulling the key fully out just to push it back in and twist it to hear that satisfying click sound. he pushes the door open, pulling the key out as he does, and shouts, "hello?"

he reaches back to pull his last bag into the house, dropping all three into a pile in the hallway and letting the door shut behind him. he hears footsteps nearing, and he's already grinning as his mum rounds the corner and scoops him into a hug.

"hi!" he greets, beyond excited, squeezing into her embrace. over her shoulder, george sees his dad enter the hallway, and he holds one arm out to involve the older man in their hug.

"we've missed you, georgie, how are you?" his mum asks into the hug, sounding elated. george feels elated.

"so good. i love uni," he tells them. "i've missed you so much though. calls just aren't enough. i feel like i haven't seen flora in years."

"wilbur's on his way," george's dad says, the first to step away from their hug, which then prompts the others to do the same. "he should be here in no time."

"great!" george chirps. he moves to actually take his coat off now, hanging it on the bannister even though there are no other coats there so it's clearly not where it's supposed to be. his dad seems to disappear but his mum stays with him as he kicks off his shoes and puts the key by the door, asking mindless questions about his course and university.

he answers with all the basic phrases, saying it's a lot of work but he's enjoying it, and that he thinks it's definitely the right career for him. meanwhile, he sorts through the front pocket of his bag, pushing things aside until he finds the swirly rainbow lolly that he'd bought in the duty-free. he pockets it, even though it sticks out ridiculously obviously.

"yes, well me and your father were just cooking," she says in response to george's last question. "you can help, if you'd like."

he doesn't want to help, not really. he spent enough of his time at college cooking for himself that he's really looking forward to his meals being cooked for him, but he agrees just so he can spend more time with his parents.

he doesn't end up cooking anyway, because his ocd goes haywire at the way his parents have organised the kitchen, so he ends up spending the next ten minutes of his life shifting about the cupboards until it's right. he imagines that his behaviour would probably be annoying to most people, but his parents are well used to it by now.

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