as good as dead

65 9 5

trigger warnings listed in opening author's note

leaving his family was awful, no doubt about it. george had missed them so much and the mere week he had spent at home just didn't feel like enough. flora cried when he left too, which made his heart physically break as he gave her one last squeeze before having to leave so he wouldn't miss the plane.

there are still a few weeks left of winter break for most people, depending on when their course starts again, and george could've stayed in england for that time but he would've spent it alone. his family are going up to scotland to see some extended family and george had decided not to join them. firstly, because the cousins they were going to see unintentionally always do everything that sets off his ocd, and secondly because he actually has essays to work on over the break that he hasn't even started.

alongside that, karl hadn't replied to anything for over a week now, and george was admittedly very scared for his best friend.

sapnap and dream are still back at home, so george had to get a taxi from the airport, which was long and tiring and he was absolutely elated to arrive back, rushing up to the apartment. though, his elation was understandably shaded by a dark cloud of fear.

george isn't a very fright-able person, he would like to think. he gets worried and startled, but scared always feels like too strong of a word

he's scared now though, terrified, so much so that he stays outside of their apartment for a few long moments, putting off his entry, key card clutched between his fingers. he can't shake the horrifying thought that he could be about to discover his best friend's dead body.

it feels like a bold thought, but he has to accept that it's a possibility. like, genuinely, his best friend could be dead, and he could be about to find him. from what he's aware, karl hasn't contacted anyone for a week now, and the terrifying silence has been scarring george's thoughts for days.

the brunette chokes back his fear, holding his keycard up to the door and pushing it open when it beeps. he feels so in-the-moment right now that his ocd could never overlook the way he slowly inches the door open.

he looks around the apartment, void of any signs of life, and his heart thuds. there's no dirty dishes, or art equipment on the table, or anything that seems out of place from when he'd left. some people may assume their roommate just tidied in preparation for their return, but george hadn't even told karl that he was coming home today.

he drops his bags by the door, despite how the mess makes his skin itch, and starts the short journey over to karl's bedroom. he pauses outside, listening carefully, and he's met with a deafening silence.

george wants to turn away, do something else, just so he can live in denial of whatever he is about to see. even if karl's alive, george predicts he won't be in a good state, and the brit's eyes pre-emptively begin to burn as he reaches for the door handle, slowly pushing it open.

the body under the sheets doesn't shift as george opens the door, so he tentatively knocks once it's fully open, the complete opposite of the convention.

karl still doesn't move, and george doesn't let himself think that he sees the body shift until he has proof. he moves into the room, quicker than he wants to as he practically rushes to his friend's side.

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