you wish to unsee

87 10 40

trigger warnings listed in opening author's note

sapnap is washing the dishes, which is something he wouldn't usually do straight after eating off of them, but he's started getting better with it now he's noticed how it frustrates george. often times george would do the dishes for both of them when sapnap didn't immediately take the initiative, so he's learned now to take that responsibility off of his boyfriend's shoulders.

he actually hates cleaning, but he's willing to get used to it for george. also, it isn't so bad when he gets to listen to george talk while he works, allowing his thoughts to drift away and dissolve into the mindless chatter.

sapnap has no idea what george is actually talking about though, because he doesn't understand any of the law terms that his boyfriend is using, but he listens intently along and exaggerates his interest anyway. additionally, he hopes that, if george talks about the law stuff enough, he will gradually start to understand it.

his boyfriend also keeps bringing up his course-friend, quackity, whom sapnap has only met while intoxicated at clubs and parties, but vaguely remembers to be cool. george seems to be very close with him, and like him a lot, so sapnap likes him by proxy.

"but, honestly, the whole time i was meant to be taking notes on family law i was just trying to work out what lengths i would have to go to to get custody of my niece. i decided the loss wouldn't be worth the gain," he jokes.

sapnap furrows his brows, flipping off the tap as he finishes the last dish and turning to face his boyfriend. he grabs the dishcloth from over one of their handles, beginning to dry the newly-cleaned plates, and says in disbelief, "you have a niece?"

george looks over from where he'd been half-paying-attention to his phone to look back at sapnap, looking equally as confused. "yeah."

"wait," sapnap tilts his head slightly, making the connections in his head before he can ask the question and make himself look like an idiot, "so, you have a sibling?"

sapnap likes finding out more things about his boyfriend, but this feels like one of those things that he definitely should've known before, and he can't help but feel a little stupid that he didn't. he supposes he never thought to ask, since he has none of his own.

"yeah, my brother," george nods. he looks back at his phone, using his head to gesture sapnap over, and the ravenette carefully puts the plate down on the drying rack before making his way over to george's side to watch as the brunette's scrolls back through his camera roll.

"well, this is my niece," he starts because it's the first photo he finds (sapnap is soon to find that that isn't shocking, since most of george's camera roll is the little girl). he tilts the phone even though sapnap could already see it, and the ravenette smiles at the toddler dressed in a sparkly princess dress. "her name's flora."

"she's so cute," sapnap compliments. he leans into george's side a bit as he smiles fondly, really enjoying the moment they're in but not knowing exactly why. he watches george continue to scroll up through the photos until the brunette stops on one that's clearly a few years old, since george looks so much younger, but has what sapnap assumes to be the whole family in it.

"this is my mum and dad, kristin and phil, and then obviously that's me, that's flora as a baby, and then that's my brother, wil, and his girlfriend, sally."

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