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trigger warnings listed in opening author's note

sapnap giggles as he thinks back to his conversation with punz earlier. they'd gone out to get lunch after their lecture and sapnap feels like he hasn't been able to stop laughing about it all day.

george is standing just beside him, smiling cluelessly at sapnap's amusement. the ravenette has been gradually recalling what he and punz had spoken about, but he keeps going off on tangents and cutting himself off with laughter and forgetting and remembering things.

"he confessed to me that he has a foot fetish, too," sapnap laughs, creasing over slightly while he messily reaches for the vodka in the corner of the counter. the couple had been watching tv for a while now, and had switched it off when they just decided to chat and go cuddle, but sapnap had wanted to get a drink first.

"really?" george asks, emphasising his interest just because he likes seeing sapnap happy like this.

"yeah! i don't know why you'd go into podiatry if you have a foot fetish though because like, it's all the bad feet!" he laughs more than necessary while he opens the vodka lid, pouring a few shots worth into his glass. "like, i don't know. i would probably like your feet but that's just because i like everything about you, i don't like strangers' weird, broken feet!"

george scoffs, amused by sapnap's alcohol-induced rambling. sapnap doesn't really notice the way george eyes his drink, or the fact that george's amusement isn't as bold as usual.

"plus like, even if a patient did have good feet, surely he'll just get hard at work all the time? i don't know, podiatry and foot fetishes just don't seem to mix in my opinion!" sapnap fills the rest of his glass with cola before looking back at george with a grin, excited to get to bed.

"you're, uhm-" george smiles, gentle and caring, "you're drinking a lot tonight," he observes, gaze dancing down to the ravenette's glass, which has already been refilled multiple times in the last few hours.

sapnap groans, rolling his eyes. his mild annoyance is exaggerated under the influence, and he sighs loudly before saying, "you sound like dream."

george's brows furrow, and he moves away from the cupboard when sapnap begins the short journey to his bedroom. "what do you mean?" the brunette asks, following close behind.

"he had a massive go at me the other day, trying to say i'm like-" he laughs. "he told me i'm an alcoholic."

sapnap puts his drink down on the bedside cabinet and reaches down to grab the hem of his shirt, tugging it up. he drops it into the hamper because he knows that dropping it to the floor would upset george.

he doesn't notice george's lack of response.

the ravenette flops into bed, letting out a breath of relief as he relaxes back into the covers. "i'm sleepy," he announces, even though he's really not that tired at all. he sits up a bit to look over at george, offering the brunette a grin as he crawls into bed.

he holds his arms out and george moves into his embrace, laying down against the ravenette's chest. sapnap presses his face into george's hair, inhaling the scent of his fruity shampoo and smiling happily to himself.

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