S2: E1 Under Pressure

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"I got another DXA scan and guess who dropped another half percent." Buck beamed as he made his way over to Hen and Bobby.

"What?" Hen turned to Buck with a confused expression.

"Shouldn't have asked." Griffin groaned in annoyance.

"A DXA scan measures your body fat. You can see your percentage in every part of your body." Buck turned his phone around to show them the screen.

"Oh, yeah? They measure the fat in your head?" Chimney joked as he joined them making Griffin scoff a laugh.

"Ah, see, that would be funny, but we're a week away from submissions being due for the Hot Days, Smoldering Nights: Men of the LAFD calendar, and I'm already at my goal weight, so it seems like my head is clearly working perfectly." Buck grinned at Chimney, proud of himself.

"Do you really need to use that whole title? You could just say the idiotic, reductive, sexist calendar that insults the dignity of this organisation and furthers the myth that all firefighters are male." Hen watched Buck and Griffin first bumped her.

"Yeah, that's not any less words." Buck looked at Hen and Griffin confused.

"It is more accurate, though." Griffin shrugged at Buck with a smile.

"Hen, Grif, come on, it's for charity." Bobby defended the calendar.

"No. Bobby, you, too?" Hen frowned in disbelief at their Captain.

"Well, why not? They say a man is at his sexiest when he reaches 50." Bobby looked at them all expectantly.

"Is that what they say? That's what they say?" Hen looked at Griffin for an answer.

"I've never heard anyone say that. I mean, you're starting to get grey hairs." Griffin squinted looking at Bobby's hair.

"Yeah, from you." Bobby gave her a look, hitting her hand away.

"Okay, you're both wrong. All right? You see, I think sorority houses all across this great nation are ready for a new Asian sex symbol. It's our time." Chimney watched the conversation before jumping in.

"I think it's great. You know? I like that you're both going up for it." Buck gave them a smile as if it were impossible for them to stand a chance.

"Oh, because you don't think that we have a chance." Bobby turned around to look at Buck in amusement.

"Woah, did I say that?" Buck looked at Hen and Griffin for help.

"I think you all care too much about having your photo put in a calendar, which, by the way is only good for a year." Griffin rolled her eyes at the guys.

"I mean, sure, let's be real. They are only picking one candidate from each station." Buck ignored Griffin completely, her words useless to his argument.

"Okay. That is a beautiful man." Chimney pointed past Buck.

"Where's the lie? And I like girls." Hen followed Chimney's finger.

Bobby, Griffin and Buck looked at the guy Hen and Chimney were looking at. Griffin didn't recognise him, so she knew he was new, because he was putting on an LAPD shirt.

"Who the hell is that?" Buck turned back to Bobby in distaste.

"It's Eddie Diaz. New recruit. Graduated top of his class just this week. Guys over at Station Six were dying to have him, but I convinced him to join us." Bobby watched Buck as he spoke.

"What do we need him for? Um.." Buck frowned as Bobby and Chimney laughed, Hen was watching Griffin who was watching the new recruit.

"He served multiple tours in Afghanistan as an Army medic. Guys got a silver star. It's not like his wet behind the ears. Come on, I'll introduce you to him. He likes to be called Eight Pack." Bobby joked with Buck before heading over.

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