S3: E10 The Christmas Spirit

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A/N - I am really sorry I haven't posted recently, I don't even have an excuse, I just haven't been feeling up to it. I really am trying my best to update.
Bit of a short chapter but this chapter was hard to write for some reason.

"It got ugly. After I said I had to work on Christmas, went straight to his room, and wouldn't speak to me for the rest of the night." Eddie looked at Hen and Griffin.

"It's just new. He'll get over it." Hen reassured Eddie as Griffin nodded along in agreement.

"Abuela's bringing him to my Aunt's. I know he's gonna have a great time, it's just...last Christmas was special. This one's harder." Eddie glanced at Christopher.

"Is that why you invited us all here? Trying to cram in as much up Christmas cheer, between now and then?" Hen smiled at Eddie amused.

"Well, thought it'd be nice to bring the kids together for a playdate." Eddie gestured over to the kids.

"All six of them." Hen chuckled looking at Buck who was playing with the kids, Mattie on his lap almost asleep.

"This Christmas is a lot different for Rune, too. She's never celebrated it before. It's different for the twins as well, not only do they have a new sister but Mattie is.." Griffin trailed as she frowned watching the kids.

"Unwell but getting the treatment he needs. He's going to be fine. They are all going to be okay." Hen reassured Griffin.

"He just sleeps all the time, and he's constantly tired." Griffin couldn't look away from Mattie who didn't look well.

"That's normal for kids going through leukaemia treatment. It's brutal but it'll make him better." Eddie put his hand on Griffin's gently.

"And if it doesn't? He's so young and he has so much to live for." Griffin had tears forming in her eyes.

"It will. We just have to remain positive." Eddie gave Griffin a gentle smile.

"Hey, buddy." Griffin picked Mattie up as he walked over, placing him on her lap.

"Hey, is it just me or does Christmas really suck this year?" Buck walked over to them quietly.

"It's not just you and it's not just Christmas. Everything sucks this year." Griffin glanced at Mattie who'd fallen asleep.

"It's been a rough year for everyone. I'm happy to immerse myself in the magic of Christmas, and I just look forward to putting this year behind me." Hen gave them all a small smile.

"I wouldn't be surprised if there was another smack in the face to come." Buck looked at Griffin and Mattie with a sad expression.

"I'm gonna go put him on the couch. Might be more comfortable for him." Griffin got to her feet carrying Mattie out of the room.

Eddie followed Griffin into his lounge room, she laid Mattie on the couch, putting the blanket over him and kissing him on the top of the head.
Tears formed in Griffin's eyes as she looked at Mattie, worried about everything he'd go through to get better even though it might not work.

"Hey. Come here." Eddie pulled Griffin into a hug as a tear fell down her face.

"He's gonna be okay." Eddie whispered in her ear softly as he glanced at Mattie who was fast asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2023 ⏰

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