S2: E8 Buck Actually

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"Hell no! I won't come down until Norman sees me! And don't you try to force me down!" The woman looked down at them.

"Nobody's gonna force you to do anything. We're just gonna talk. What's your name?" Athena spoke through the megaphone.

"Lola!" Lola paced back and forth.

"Lola, my name's Athena. What's the problem?" Athena made sure to introduce herself.

"The problem? The problem is, after 30 years of marriage, I can't get 30 seconds of attention from my husband! It's like I'm invisible! But I'm...I'm not invisible! I'm here, damn it! See me, Norman! See me now?!" Lola opened her dressing gown for the world to see.

"Definitely not invisible." Bobby glanced at Athena.

"Can somebody please find me this Norman before she does something crazy...er?" Athena looked at her fellow officers.

* With Griffin *

Griffin was supposed to have the day off to spend with the kids, she'd requested the shift off a couple weeks ago, but the kids were at a friend's place for the day and would be having a sleepover.
She had walked to the fire house, she knew the team was out on a call, but she figured she'd wait until they got back.

"Grif? What are you doing here?" Buck grinned seeing her.

"I was supposed to be taking a shift off but I got bored when the twins went to a friend's house for a sleepover." Griffin looked over at them.

* After Shift *

Griffin was sitting in her apartment, it was quiet without the kids.
Bobby and Athena were having a family dinner, Hen had date night with Karen, Buck and Chimney had gone to a bar with Maddie, and Eddie was spending time with Christopher.

Griffin pulled out a box, which was filled with photos of Maddie, Buck and herself taken when they were kids and teenagers.
She picked up a photo of Maddie and herself. She was about five years old in the photo.
The two of them looked happier than ever in the photo, they were eating ice cream at the park.

Griffin smiled sadly at the photo, she wanted nothing more than to have Maddie back in her life like old times, but she had a feeling that nothing would ever be the same again.

Griffin grabbed her phone as someone tried to FaceTime her.

"Hey, Chris." Griffin put on a smile for him.

"You look sad. Why?" Christopher looked at her with a frown.

"I'm not sad, I promise. I'm just not used to an empty apartment." Griffin chuckled at Christopher.

"Chris, who are you talking to?" Eddie walked into the room.

"Griffin. She's home alone and sad." Christopher looked at Eddie sadly.

"Where's Buck?" Eddie frowned at Griffin.

"At a bar with Chimney and Maddie." Griffin shrugged not really sure where Buck was.

"You don't have a social life?" Eddie watched her.

"Work is my social life. Besides it's late." Griffin looked at him confused.

"Can she come here?" Christopher looked at Eddie pleadingly.

"That's up to her. Grif, do you want to come over for a while?" Eddie glanced at Christopher.

"That's okay, but thanks. It's getting late and Chris will be going to be soon anyway." Griffin smiled at the offer.

"You could make Dad watch X-Men." Christopher grinned excitedly.

The Buckley Screw-Up (A 911 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now