S3: E8 Malfunction

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"I haven't seen this much blood on the ice since a squirrel crawled into the zamboni." The woman led Bobby through the back of the stage.

"Any idea what caused the accident?" Bobby looked at her.

"Well, the, uh, snowy owls were finishing off their free in the Forrest bit. Hansel and Gretel hit the ice for their breadcrumb stick. Then boom. Blood bath on ice." The woman got Bobby to the ice where the team was busy doing things.

"Did you just slip?" Griffin laughed when Buck dropped the phone.

"Shut up, little sis. I'd like to see you try walk on this thing." Buck picked up his phone shaking his head at Griffin.

"What are you supposed to be doing anyway?" Griffin frowned confused.

"Looking for a guys fingers. Severed off by a skate blade." Buck continued to look around whilst holding his phone.

"Are you sure you should be Facetiming me right now?" Griffin watched Buck.

"Yeah. We found two fingers, Cap. Still looking for the other ones." Buck looked at Bobby.

"Hey! Got the pinky!" Eddie raised his arm in the air.

"All right. Three down, one to go." Buck glanced over at Eddie.

"I think you get too excited about severed fingers." Griffin grimaced in disgust.

"Eh, maybe. Hey, Eddie." Buck chucked his phone to Eddie who almost didn't catch it.

"Great. Now I'm getting thrown around." Griffin rolled her eyes.

"How are you feeling?" Eddie stopped to talk to her.

"Better." Griffin gave him a nod.

"Yes! I got the middle one!" Buck grinned looking at Eddie.

"Can you tell my big brother that he's an idiot?" Griffin smiled at Eddie sweetly.

"Buck, your sister said you're an idiot." Eddie watched Buck amused.

"Uh, hey..hey Cap! We found all the fingers." Buck watched Bobby confused.

"Cap, victims are all being transported." Hen walked over to Bobby.

"Yeah work here is done." Chimney frowned at Bobby.

"Great. Ah! Found it." Bobby picked a small object up.

"What's that?" Eddie flipped the camera so Griffin could see Bobby.

"A sequin. When your blade runs across one of these, stops your skates dead in their cracks." Bobby turned to them.

"Wait. One sequin did all of this?" Buck smiled confused.

"Well wardrobe malfunction can be one of the most dangerous parts of figure skating." Bobby shrugged at Buck.

"So, how come you know so much about figure skating?" Chimney watched Bobby curiously.

"My partner Heidi Shatsky and I were Twin Cities Junior Pairs Champions three years running." Bobby smiled at them, proud and embarrassed at the same time.

"I always thought you were a hockey player, Cap." Eddie shrugged it off.

"Who says you can't do both?" Bobby walked past them.

"We'll google for photos later." Buck watched Bobby leave and Buck nodded.

"Or I can do it now. Send you what I find out. Oh, maybe I can contact his older partner. What was her name again?" Griffin smiled excitedly.

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