S3: E1 Kids Today

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"Rune settling in alright?" Hen looked at Griffin as she made a mess of the kitchen.

"Yeah. She's really good with Eva and Mattie. Oh and she's been helping them with their homework. I am a little worried though, she insists on cooking dinner and doing the laundry." Griffin glanced at Hen as she found what she was looking for.

"It'll take time for her to adjust, but you and the mini twins are the best people for that. What about Buckaroo? Still upset he can't come back to work?" Hen dipped her finger into the icing.

"Hey!" Griffin slapped Hen's hand away.

"It tastes great." Hen chuckled at Griffin.

"Uh, Buck's been struggling with the idea he might not get to come back to work for a while. And I am starting to run out of ideas on how to distract him." Griffin sighed in defeat as she started icing the cake.

"Any more calls from You Know Who?" Hen licked her lips at the sight of the almost finished cake.

"I blocked his number so no. I don't think he even knows I'm in LA, so that's good." Griffin smiled as she finished the cake.

"Cake time!" Hen rubbed her hands together getting Bobby's, Eddie's, and Chimneys attention.

"Finally." Eddie walked over but the alarm went off making Griffin laugh.

"Kid's car is moving like a runaway freight train. They got a plan to slow him down before he crashes." Bobby walked down to the engine as they got ready.

"So we're on cleanup duty?" Chimney looked at Bobby.

"Not exactly." Bobby shook his head as he climbed into the truck.

"Please don't tell me we're the target he needs to hit." Griffin put her headset on.

"Seriously?" Eddie looked at Bobby in shock when he didn't say anything back.

"Grif said not to tell her." Bobby gave a shrug.

"They're clearing a stretch of Woodley Avenue. We'll meet them there." Bobby spoke to dispatch.

"How fast is he going?" Hen turned to look at Bobby.

"105. Once he gets to Woodley Avenue, we'll hit the breaks, hope he slows down a little, that's where we come in." Bobby glanced back at them with a nod.

"That's a vintage car." Chimney frowned at the news.

"Worried about damaging a classic, Chim?" Eddie gave him an amused look.

"No, worried about damaging a kid. Airbags weren't standard until the 80's." Chimney gave Eddie a disapproving look.

"A car that old, we're lucky it has a shoulder harness." Hen looked between the two of them.

"Can we put Life Is A Highway on?" Griffin leaned forward to ask Bobby.

"Really Grif? You have a song for every call we get?" Eddie chuckled at her antics.

"Duh. I don't fight my internal thoughts." Griffin hit him playfully.

"I would put it on, but we're almost there." Bobby smiled at Griffin.

"I guess that's fair enough...maybe." Griffin sat back in her seat properly.

"What kind of crazy person came up with this plan, anyway?" Hen shook her head.

"My wife." Bobby made Griffin scoff a laugh.

"Grif." Chimney looked at her waiting for her to catch on.

"Hey, wait! You got married and didn't even tell me?" Griffin looked at Bobby offended.

"It was a last minute thing. Athena, the kids and myself." Bobby raised his hands in surrender.

The Buckley Screw-Up (A 911 Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now