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Third Person POV
It was a regular day at Camp Half-blood, well as regular it can be for demigods.

Clarisse was still sticking the newbies' heads in the toilets. The Ares and Athena cabin arguing. It's nice to know some things never change.

It all was peaceful until the camp heard a loud shriek.

Annabeth stopped yelling, and went to the camp's borders. "Quick! Everyone come here!" She yelled.

The majority of camp sprinted towards her. Then what they saw shocked them.

A boy defeating a pack of hellhound? That easily?

One of the Apollo-spawns' ran up to him and started checking for any signs of an injury.

"He fainted!"

They carried him to the camp infirmary. After a while, the boy woke up.

"Who are you? Where am I? What did you do to me?" He yelled.

"Calm down." A boy with blonde hair replied. "I'm Will Solace. Who are you? Do you have any idea how you got here?"


"My name is Andrè Lake. My father told me to come here. He guided me." The first boy replied.


The entirety of camp fell silent.

"What's wrong?" Andrè asked, confused on the situation.

"You have been claimed." replied Chiron. "All hail Andrè Lake, Son of the Death, Underworld, and Riches. Hades."

The entirety of the camp bowed, we except Nico and Percy. Andrè's eyes shone with pride and authority, but when his eyes landed on Nico and Percy, he scowled.

"Chiron, why aren't they blowing?" Andrè whined, while pointing at his brother and the ocean-eyed boy.

"Ah, they are Percy, son of Poseidon and Nico, your brother. They don't need to bow." Chiron explained.

Andrè's look of confusion slowly turned to disgust and hatred towards Nico and possessiveness over Percy.

That ocean boy will be mine. Whether he likes it or not. Andrè thought.


Nico's POV
I don't like that Andrè boy. Ever since he came to camp, everybody's been treating me like shit other than Percy, Leo and some other campers.

My boyfriend, Will Solace, also broke up with me. Like what the fuck?

Suddenly, I got flashed to Olympus. I stared at the gods blankly with a hint of confusion in my eyes.

"Nico, cosa hai da dire per te stesso?¹?" My father, Hades, asks me.

I noticed the others gods glaring at me while Hestia was staring at me with sadness in her eyes.

"Padre, cosa vuoi dire?²" I ask my father completed confused.

"Nicholas, you have been executed into the depths of Tartarus for working as a spy for both Kronos and Gaea." Zeus said with some form of authority.


But before I could reply, I get casted down to Tartarus.


I, now, am Nicholas. Not Nico.

I am Nicholas, son of Tartarus. I am blessed by almost all the primordials of the dark side. And, I hate the gods, and the light primordials.


1. Nico, what do you have to say
for yourself?

2. Father, what do you mean?

𝑵𝒊𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒔, 𝑺𝒐𝒏 𝒐𝒇 𝑻𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒂𝒓𝒖𝒔 Where stories live. Discover now