viii. meeting at olympus

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Lady Asteria's POV
It had been a few days since Percy was gone. Where had he gone again? Tartarus.

Why was he in Tartarus? There could be several possible reasons.

Whether Poseidon sent him there, he was kidnapped, or he purposely went there is unknown.

I hope it was neither of those. Well, I can't be so sure now, can I?

The demigod camps—Camp Jupiter and Camp Half-Blood— were not taking the child of Poseidon's disappearance positively.

The Greek camp said that this has happened before due to the Queen of the heavens, Hera.

Why would she do such a thing? I'm not sure.

I cursed under my breath. My brother, one could say, will start or cause a war, sooner or later.

That thought makes me worried. Perseus is a good warrior, and his powers make him even better.

It is also said that Tyche has blessed him. Whichever side has the boy, that side wins; but only if they earn his loyalty.

That makes me even more worried.

If Tartarus' side has gotten Perseus' loyalty, then we are truly doomed.

Annabeth's POV
We, the demigods, were called to Olympus for a meeting. Strange, right?

Since a few days, I haven't really seen Percy at camp. Where was he?

I hope that someone hasn't kidnapped him again. That would be bad.

Even if me and Percy broke up, we still remained friends. I think.

We walked to Olympus in a queue, full of demigods talking. Andrè was behind me, muttering stuff like, I've been here like a few bajillion times or This is my second home.

Whatever he said, it wasn't true.

Memories flooded my mind. Percy wouldn't say anything like that. He didn't like boasting about his accomplishments or his demigodly life unlike some other demigods I have met (cough, Andrè, cough).

We walked through the pearly gates of the Olympia Throne Room. It was made of white marble, decorated with pure gold. It was breathtaking, absolutely divine.

In front of me, were the Olympian Gods except Lady Hestia (perhaps she just didn't want to do anything related to a war. Smart move) and Lady Asteria (according to some myths, she was also called Asteri).

I and the other demigods bowed to the gods and the aforementioned primordial, showing respect to them. They nodded in acknowledgment.

"Demigods," Zeus, the King of Olympus and the God of the Skies, started. "You have been called here, because of some information that we wanted to give to you."

Wow. Zeus is giving us information about what could possibly be happening next. Impossible.

My mother, Athena, gathered the attention of the other demigods.

"Greeks and Romans, prepare yourself for there is another war coming in your way. The war with Gaia was difficult, but this one is going to be impossible unless we come up with a brilliant plan." Athena, my mother, explained.

This was bad. Another war happening? Percy missing? This is too much for my ADHD. I need my medication.

Andrè just snorted, and muttered something I could care less about.

Apollo started reading from a scroll, possibly stating the prophecy. He took a long sigh, and started.

"From the pit of dark, warriors rise, awoken from the dead, a haunting surprise. The broken hero, lost in despair, joins the evil, an ominous affair. Good shall fight with all their might, but in the end, they'll lose the fight. The treasure elusive, their key to fate, missing the one, sealing their dire state."

Apollo finished. All the demigods started muttering amongst eachother. Many whispers could be heard regarding the prophecy.

What scared me the most was that the prophecy had said that the broken hero joins the evil.

Percy wouldn't do that, right?

What are you on about Annabeth? Of course, Percy wouldn't do that. His fatal flaw was personal loyalty.

I looked beside me. Andrè looked like he might've pissed his pants (honestly, I could care less).

My eyes wandered and stared in my mother's eyes. Her gaze was fierce and wise yet still calm.

When her gaze turned to me, her eyes glistened with worry and some sort of warning. She looked like she cared. Truly cared about me.

Then her eyes flickered back, looking at the Olympians.

Now, I was scared. Even the gods looked like they were.

Suddenly Lady Asteria spoke up, "Demigods, of you haven't figured out yet, we will be fighting Tartarus. The Pit of all Evil and Dark."

Oh, how I hoped this wasn't the case. Turns out, it is the case.

The murmurs amongst the demigods grew louder yet more secretive.

Andrè got closer to me and whispered, "Hey, we've fought two wars, one with a primordial. We can surely fight this one too, can't we?"

I sighed.

The amount of stupidity coming from this imbecile was starting to concern me.

"Andrè, that's not the thing. This is the Pit of all Evil and Dark, we're talking about. This is beyond any level of fear one can experience. And plus, you haven't fought a single war anyways." I explained to him.

He just grinned like an idiot, "How bad could it possibly be?"

Ugh. Someone get this brainless imbecile away from me.

"A thing you should know about the gods on that side. They consist of Tartarus, Erebus, Nyx, Gaia, Selene, Hecate, Persephone (to which Hades looked down, and Demeter burst into tears), Iris (to which Hera scoffed), Nike and Eros (to which Aphrodite looked betrayed). We are pretty sure that's all of them." Lady Asteria exclaimed.

Woah. Those were a lot of gods, goddesses and primordials.

"Welp, now I understood how the prophecy said we were going to fail." A familiar voice muttered beside me.

I looked beside and saw Thalia, daughter of Zeus and lieutenant of Artemis. (When did they arrive?)

"Thals, you can't be saying stuff like that." I whisper-yelled.

"Sorry, sorry." She grinned.

She wasn't wrong though. Wait, why am I thinking that? Stop thinking negative Annabeth!


hello my loves! sooo sorry for not updating in a such a long time. i had writer's block and nothing seemed to come to mind. this story is almost at 1k reads!! btw thank you so much for the support and the love <3

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