ix. mother knows best

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Nicholas's POV
A few days had passed before the three that I had sent to Camp Half-Blood had returned.

Luke came back grinning, Silena and Beckendorf staring at him like the idiot he was.

"Has he gone insane?" I asked Silena, who just shrugged in response.

Eh, I'm not surprised. What was the deal with him? Perhaps he truly went insane, how am I supposed to know?

Percy's POV
As I was walking through the ruins in Tartarus, I found what I was searching for.

The gates to exit the House of Night.

A sense of dread fell over me. Nyx- or well, mother- had called me to her.

She wanted to spend time with me. I hope I don't die. She did adopt me, she shouldn't kill me. Right?

I took a hesitant step towards the gates, which were closed. As soon as I reached them, they swung open. A breeze passed through my body as the gates had opened, probably the ones causing the sudden action.

The architecture was fascinating, Annabeth would love it. Why am I thinking about her? Stupid me.

I wandered aimlessly through the dark blue halls in a straight path. Then I found mother.

"Mother." I said, while bowing. My head hung low.

"Perseus, rise." Mother replied in a stern yet soothing tone.

I shivered. I was afraid, definitely. Nyx was a very powerful goddess. Even Zeus feared her.

"You called me?" I asked.

She bent down to my height. I didn't know I was that short.

"Ήθελα να σε εκπαιδεύσω, αλλά η δύναμη που νιώθω από σένα είναι ήδη δυνατή." She answered.

I wasn't very good at speaking or understanding Greek, but by some miracle I did.

However, I didn't know what or how to respond, so the safest thing to do (according to me, at least) was to nod. And so I did.

"You will be so powerful, so worthy. Καταστροφέας, θα καταστρέψεις το αίμα των αθανάτων. Με αυτό θα γίνεις αθάνατος παιδί μου." Mother said.

Okay. If mother says to do that, then I probably will.

Wait. I will destroy the blood of the immortals? What? How?

I know what you're thinking, dear reader. You either have no idea or you know exactly what Mother is talking about. If you do know, then how? Teach me your ways, reader.

Confusion came naturally to me.


1. I wanted to train you, but the power I feel from you is already strong.
2. Destroyer, you will destroy the blood of the immortals. With this you will become immortal, my child.


hello my loves!! sorry this is so short, i am going through writer's block (for months now) and my exams have once again started. this book is almost at 2k reads!! thanks for the love <33

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