vii. wandering in the castle

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Percy's POV
I was walking through the 'house'.

How can this huge mansion or castle be called a house? That's simply outrageous.

I was walking on the second floor, until a tall hooded person blocked my way.

"Hello." The person's voice was gloomy and quite.

But I recognized it.

"Hello, Bianca." I replied, while my cloak swayed in the hot breeze.

As the (favorite) child of Nyx, she makes me wear majestic and royal clothes, because she is quite a powerful primordial goddess. I also have new powers which is just so cool.

Bianca's hood fell down. Her eyes weren't obsidian black, they were the same color as wine.

"How come you can recognize me, Percy?" She asked, looking intrigued.

"Your voice. It gives your identity away." I replied, my tone filled with calmness.

"How were things at camp?" She asked sitting down on a nearby couch, gesturing me to join her.

And so I did.

"Your father has a new child."

"He does?"

"Yeah, he does. His name is Andrè, and he is a brat." I answered, my tone laced with sass.

Bianca snorted, "Really? How bad is he?"

"He's a dim-witted excuse of a demigod." I told her.

It was true. Andrè was like that. He didn't stick to the rules (which nobody does, but c'mon) and just decided that he could fight a literal empousa just because he got claimed.

"I mean Nico's also pretty ... stupid sometimes." Bianca told me.

I raised an eyebrow in curiosity.


"Yeah. Like blaming you for my death." Bianca exclaimed, emphasizing the phrases 'blaming you' and 'my death'.

I giggled in response. She looked proud, like she had just won an accomplishment.

She then pulled me closer to her in a sort of sisterly way.

"Don't tell Nico I said this," She continued, her voice was a whisper. "But I'd prefer having you as my brother."

She said, and ruffled my hair. She let go off me, and kissed my cheek (in a sisterly way) and went off.

I grinned to myself. That was nice. Maybe I could talk with Bianca about certain stuff now. Specifically, Nico.

I sat up from the couch, and wandered around.


A stern, and sharp voice called out for me. I turned around, and saw Nico.

Nico had changed after he got banished to Tartarus. He was now a few inches taller than me. His dark hair was scruffy and messy, and his obsidian eyes. Oh, I could go on and on about those eyes.

The way they would shine in the light. Those obsidian eyes made me go weak. The way they would glisten with dominance and power.

"Nico." I said, walking up to him.

"You really shouldn't be wandering in the castle, chiaro di luna¹, it's dangerous." He said, pulling me by my waist and wrapping his arms around them.

"Chiaro di what?" I asked.

My face had turned into a shade of crimson by Nico's actions.

"It's a nickname, Perce." He said bending down to kiss me on the cheek. "Lady Night wants to meet you."

"M—Mother? Really?" I inquired.

It was nice and all, but Mother was a primordial goddess. Why would she care enough to meet me?

"She wants to teach you how to use your powers." Nico replied to my question.

His voice had changed a lot too; but in a good way. It had gotten deeper.

"That will be fun!" I exclaimed.

"Yes, principessa². It'll be fun. Unfortunately, I can't come along." He said.

I, again, wanted to ask what the italian word was, but I didn't. Nico would probably say it was just a nickname. But the words still sounded a lot like princess.

"Why not?" I asked with a pout on my face.

"Night wants to spend some quality time with you. Dunno what she means by 'quality time' but she won't kill you." Nico told me, gazing upon the bandages on my arms.

Welp, that was totally reassuring. I am totally not being sarcastic right now.

"We'll find out if I die or not." I said casually.

At this point in life, I literally befriended Death or well Thanatos.

"If I do die, I want blue daisies on my funeral." I said, standing on my tip-toes to reach Nico's lips.

I gave a small peck on them.

"You won't die, not while I'm here." Nico said, caressing my bandaged arm.

"I know. You'll protect me, you'll save me. Like you always do." I reassured the taller boy in front of me.

Gods of Olympus, this boy has my heart, I cannot. I used to imagine that after the war with Gaia, Nico would hate my guts and preferred that either I was dead or he's be the one killing me.

Instead, he's caressing my bandaged wounds like I'm some sort of God who is terribly hurt and it is up to him to help me heal.

In other words, we love each other.

"Such bad wounds, principessa. Where did you get them from? I didn't see them after our second war." Nico said, lifting my arms up to kiss them.

He noticed me after the war with Gaia? I think I just fell for him all over again.

"Just some quests I went on." I replied.

He raised his eyebrow, not stopping the kisses.

"Neeks, I'm fine now!" I exclaimed, failing to hide the affection in my tone.

"If you say so ..." He murmured softly and let go of my arm.

I'm truly glad I have this perfect boy as my boyfriend. For the first time in like all my years of living, I thank the Fates for this wonderful boy.


|| translations::
1. moonlight
2. princess


tomorrow my exams are finally going to end with my literal fav subject, i'm so happy. enjoy percy and nico being ridiculously in love before the war and angst happens. oh btw don't worry the war is not going to happen anytime soon (unless ...). hope you are having a great day my loves !! <3

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