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Tolkien Black hadn't been present while the class had been hyped about the 'gay soulmate juice' which to him sounded like a fake load of bullshit. He'd heard lots of talk about it from the other students and overall, he thought it sounded pretty stupid because who would be stupid enough to believe you'd drink something and then see your soulmate? No, he believed that your soulmate isn't meant to be known until your heart knows that person is the right person.

But even then your heart could be wrong so just how reliable is this potion anyway? Plus- who knows...his soulmate may be someone right under his nose like perhaps one of the people at his school he doesn't talk to much. It could even be one of the people in his friend group- nah that was stupid. Perhaps maybe it was one of the girls...no he didn't want to think too much about that either. Why worry about your soulmate now when you have all your life to think about it? It just didn't make sense to the young boy.

He'd actually had a doctor's appointment that day and the only time they had available was during school hours. Thank goodness they were here too- he didn't wanna be bothered with the kids in his class screaming and getting overly excited about something they shouldn't even be worrying about at their age. He was one of those people who liked letting the future come to him naturally. When he finds someone special, he'll think more about his future plans since he's one to take things one easy step at a time.

His doctor's appointment was nothing special since it was just a simple checkup which consisted of checking his ears, nose, back, weight, height and lastly blood pressure. He usually had monthly appointments since his family wanted to make sure their son was in good condition. The doctor would always let the Blacks know if something was not right with their son.

As per usual everything was fine so after the appointment the family decided to go shopping since that was on the way to South Park Elementary. The Blacks were in no rush to drop off their son since he was already late. Even if their son's education mattered to them, it could wait until they were done with family errands. They'd also gotten a note from the doctor to excuse their son's absence since they knew the school would get on them the minute one of the students came more than half an hour late.

It was then the family decided to head back to the school. On the way, the rich boy spotted the poorest boy in the school Kenny McCormick sitting alone outside of what looked like City Wok. This concerned the boy in the purple so he quickly went over to him and sat down beside him. "Hey you okay? What's wrong?" Placing an arm around him, he tried to smile but the smile felt forced.

Kenny glanced at the male who'd sat down beside him.

"(I'm skipping school. I don't want to know who my soulmate is because what if it's wrong and it's something as stupid as Eric Cartman? I don't wanna be with that fat bitch!)" He folded his arms, looking frustrated.

He glanced straight ahead as he watched the clouds slowly move through the sky. Thankfully they didn't cover the sun and the sun stayed bright as ever. It wasn't even warm out- yet. In fact there was a cool breeze that blew past the two occasionally.

Tolkien let out a sigh.

"Kenny, do you really believe in this soulmate stuff? I know it's a lot because it can be stressful for some to accept that their soulmate is one person. But you never know, this whole soulmate thing could be wrong. Don't think too hard about it man but you can't stay out here all day. What if someone sees you? I bet your friends are all there waiting on you." He slowly stood up and helped the male beside him up who'd dusted himself off.

"(Kyle called me and said he was sick with the flu. Cartman and Stan are there though- I think but we're not really on speaking terms. I don't believe in soulmates. I kinda just wanna fuck around and enjoy being young you know? I wanna get drunk at an all girl's party and just have my way with some people you know? Maybe some guys too if they'll have me. And not have to worry about my heart being on one particular person until I'm an old man or something.)" The orange parka couldn't help but giggle at this. He loved being young and thinking about life in the future. Although he was too young to engage in that kind of activity, he was sure looking forward to it when he became of age.

"Sounds kind of nice. I'm the type of person who just likes to take things one step at a time. I like to be you know- a gentleman rather than a guy who just hooks up with random people. I wanna enjoy being young too but life catches up with you quicker than you think." He patted the other's back and slowly walked with the other male to the school.

The two had fallen quiet after a not so long conversation since he knew the orange parka usually wasn't one to talk and he didn't wanna force him to. Plus he himself was a bit tired still from having to wake up early. He was also tired because he'd gone on a trip with his family to Jamaica which had been a blast but tiring. He'd gone there for the entire weekend to see an old friend of his from preschool.

That friend wasn't someone he really knew very well since he didn't really remember the person but for some reason his parents and his friend's parents knew each other very well so the family often went to Jamaica for the weekend unless the dark haired male had plans with his gang. Usually he didn't plan very much with the gang since he usually left it to Clyde and Craig to do the planning since they were usually the experts and knew what the group liked best.

Thankfully the school wasn't too far of a walk. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see his parents waving at him and then driving away since they assumed he was just walking one of his friends to school. It was often he'd walk his friends to school whenever he'd see them alone since it was mostly his thing. When he finally arrived at school, he noticed a lot of people had brought pillows and blankets- especially the girls. He watched as the person he'd walked with had gone to the back to sit so he sat down in his normal seat which was in between Craig and Jimmy in the center of the classroom.

God knows why Mr Garrison put the homosexual, the only black kid and the crippled kid all in the same place. He looked around the class and immediately noticed the homosexual was fast asleep. He cast a glance around the class, not spotting Tweek which probably meant Craig was bored. Oh well. He laid his head down on his desk as he once more did a quick scan for Clyde who appeared to be grabbing some kind of juice from the teacher. Maybe he'd arrived just in time. Gay ass drink though.

He couldn't stay in his seat forever so he quickly got his school supplies out of his backpack and left the backpack on the ground as he went up to the teacher's desk. He pulled out a piece of paper which was the note from the doctor and placed it on the teacher's desk before heading to his seat. The doctor had given his parents the note first but his parents had given it to him when they were at the grocery store. On his way to his seat though, he'd accidentally ran into Clyde without even noticing.

"Crap- sorry Clyde! You okay?" His friend felt strangely cold. And not in a good way either. Oh no, was it that drink that had done this? If Mr Garrison had hurt his friend or any of the other students in this class, so help him.

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