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As soon as Tolkien headed outside, he was met by the light drizzle outside. Man, he'd forgotten that it was going to rain today which meant both his umbrella and raincoat had been left at home. Oh well. He'd be okay since he was just walking to his parents' car. The rain wouldn't bother the other either. At least, he hoped it wouldn't. His friend seemed rather bothered instead about the whole soulmate thing. It worried him that his friend wasn't even willing to talk to him about it either. He respected the brunet's decision of not wanting to talk about it though even if his friend was a little harsh on the subject. Nevertheless, he understood perfectly as he'd be upset too. He just hoped the other wouldn't make any rash decisions.

He waited outside for his friend, ignoring that he was getting more and more drenched by the second. Unbeknownst to what Mr Garrison stated about the whole soulmate thing, he glanced up towards the sky as he tried to put piece and piece together of why his friend was acting extra rude towards him. He had to blink a few times as a few droplets of rain had gotten into his eyes. Overall, he was thankful that it was only water since had it been any other drink, his eyes would be stinging. Though the water wasn't his main concern right now, his main concern being about his best friend as he still failed to understand what was up with him. He didn't happen to do anything wrong, had he? He thought for a second on the recent conversations they've had, trying to figure out if there had in fact been an argument that had gone on between them but nothing came up.

Could it be that the other was extra moody today? That had to be in. Usually when the other was in a bad mood though, he didn't tend to take his anger out on him. Perhaps though, today was different. He wouldn't be surprised as his friend was the type to get upset at people for a great number of reasons.

Though rather than immediately getting upset at people, he felt the other would have the tendency to get emotional first then start yelling. Then again, the other wasn't the time to yell unless he was having a full blown breakdown. He scratched his head, ignoring the rain as he once more tried to put the pieces together. It just didn't make sense. Why was his friend upset at him? Why wasn't his friend telling him what he did wrong? At least his friend hadn't snapped at him but his friend had indeed glared at him. The darker brunet wasn't the type to overthink; yet, he wasn't the type to brush things like this off either.

It was then he heard his mother's voice which drowned out his worries about his friend. He didn't bother yelling back as he made his way over to her car once his friend had come into sight. He waited for his friend to get into the backseat of the car first and then got into the seat beside him. He closed the car door and fastened his seatbelt as he moved his wet dreadlocks behind his ears. He momentarily leaned his head back as he allowed his eyes to close, hoping that his friend would at least say hi to him. After all, if the other didn't want to as much as greet him, this hangout would be awfully awkward. And he knew that the other; just as himself, didn't like as he'd felt the atmosphere was this cloudy unheard of air.

He rolled his eyes a bit while keeping his eyes closed. The farm would be fine. In fact, the rain was good for the plants since it would be one less thing to do to have to water the fields. Plus watering the fields was tiring and to have it rain was like a blessing because afterwards, the warm sun after the wet weather would cause the plants to grow as if it were spring again. He chuckled to himself at his mother's words as they'd amused him in the slightest. Too much rain however would damage the farm but so far it didn't look as if it would get any heavier than this.

Stretching his arms out to their full width, careful not to bump into his friend, he allowed himself to relax a bit. At least he wasn't out in the rain and had going home to look forward to. Not just that but also getting to hang out with his friend as well. Every time he hung out with someone he was buddies with whether it was Clyde, Jimmy, Tweek or Craig, he always tended to have a good time. He'd hung out with Stan before too and even Kyle and he was proud to say he'd had a fun time around them too. Mostly because they'd all vibed together somehow and if one was to vibe with the darker male, the chances they'd be friends was likely.

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