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Tolkien was about to argue back with his friend but then stopped. Any frustration he might've had between now and when he and his friend had first interacted that day had vanished into thin air. Rather than retaliating, he tried to think of just why the other was upset. Had his friend's 'soulmate' been someone he hadn't expected?

Typically at this age if people didn't get what they expected or wanted, it could lead to that specific person being very upset. It was almost like the same upsetting feeling of a little kid dropping their ice cream cone but this was different. When a kid dropped their ice cream cone, they were reassured it wasn't the end of the world but in this case scenario with soulmates- it pretty much was the end of the world. Well- the end of their world so they thought. But the truth was, it wasn't the end of anyone's world. It was just a look into one of the many futures that the gathered folks had with a specific significant other whether it was their same gender or opposite gender.

As he looked around the room, he couldn't put a finger on just who the juice chose to be the brunette's soulmate. This was ridiculous since he just didn't know what could've made his best friend so upset. Maybe his friend was upset that he hadn't gotten the girl he wanted or that he'd gotten a boy. Truth be told, he always had a feeling his friend was sort of bicurious or even bisexual so he could honestly see him with either a boy or a girl.

Though the feeling may not be mutual with his friend but it was honestly whatever at this point. Getting pressed over a stupid drink and then firing your anger sounded exactly like what the third graders would do- then again sometimes Clyde did act like a third grader. What he wondered the most was why his best friend let a small drink their idiotic teacher had given them affect him to begin with.

Sure the girls and some boys had long awaited it but unfortunately the end results didn't exactly turn out the way everyone wanted them to. It was mostly normal for his friends to get upset if something didn't go their way since they were still on the immature side and for other folks in the class to be overly excited if something went their way. Especially the women- they would always get over excited over the smallest things. However, arguing and a potential fight could rise if anyone let their jealousy get out of control or even let it be known.

He himself had never really had a problem with jealousy that he remembered since he was happy with his life. Sure there were times when he wished he was as poor as everyone else and that he didn't have to go on his stupid parents' trips. There were some benefits of being rich though such as being able to afford all the good expensive stuff. All and all, he was glad he wasn't as poor as everyone else since that's what made him stand out.

When he was ten, he thought if the fact that he was rich was drawn attention to; that shit would go down for him but he was wrong. Counselor Mackey had actually been the one to tell him that differences made people stronger. It had actually been the only piece of good advice that guy had given him; truth be told. And quite frankly the best advice he'd ever received.

He was told that if he was as poor as everyone else, he wouldn't be unique or much different from everyone else. He'd stand out that was for sure but right now he didn't care about being noticed for being different. He only cared about finding out just what had upset his best friend. Especially since his best friend was going through a lot.

His other friend Craig seemed rather happy about his possible soulmate who was obviously Tweek. The blond and the ravenette were made for each other. They were like the sun and the moon: complete opposites but needed each other. The blond being the sun and the ravenette being the moon. Those two's relationship made the most sense out of everyone's in South Park that he knew since lots of others' relationships tended to be unhealthy.

As he looked around the room, there were so many past toxic relationships he could recall from his fourth grade year. He felt bad for the boys who had to endure those awful breakups due to Kyle's dad trolling the damn school bored and his peers accusing Cartman for trolling the board. That was actually the one time the fat boy had been right. He and the other fourth grade boys had broken all of the fat brunette's devices as to prevent him from continuing his trolling only to find out it hadn't even been him to begin with.

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