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Between chapters I really got into poetry. So.... yeah :) ur gonna see some of that cus i'm OBSESSED!!

also sorry... shorter chapter. I PROMISE LONGER CHAPTERS FROM HERE ON OUT!!!!


"It is cold up here!" Clyde yelled, he was now 170 feet off the ground.

Clyde soared high up in the sky,
All seemed tiny as he flew by.
His house, his school, the playground too,
Like ants beneath, in a sky so blue.

Higher he thought, could he dare?
Flying now, with the wind in his hair.
A first-time flyer, feeling free,
In the vast sky, where he longed to be.

230 feet now. He could hear his friends calling his name.

270 feet. It was getting a bit hard to breathe. Nothing a mountain boy couldn't handle of course. 300 feet. He had to go higher.

Could he reach the sun?

350 feet now. He tried to go higher— but his body wouldn't move. He tried and tried but nothing he could do worked. And then—

300 feet.

250 feet.

200 feet.

150 feet.

100 feet—


Clyde grumbled as he shut off his alarm. Another boring day, huh?

He read the date on the alarm. February 14th.

So THAT's why Mr. Garrison was giving us the soulmate juice. Clyde thought. I didn't even realize...

Clyde got out of bed and put on his outfit for the day. He walked down the hallway, past the bathroom nobody used, and down to the kitchen where his Dad was making breakfast.

"Eat." His father said, putting the boy's plate on the dinner table, "I made pancakes."

In a room of cold and eerie gloom,
Clyde sat, his father's silence a deep wound.
The pancakes, a solace, golden-brown and sweet,
In a space where warmth and love did not meet.

The air heavy with unspoken words,
A chasm between them, unseen but heard.
Each bite a refuge, a fleeting escape,
From the icy tension that did drape.

Father's gesture, pancakes made with care,
Yet his heart's frostiness hung in the air.
The only warmth in that frigid space,
The food on Clyde's plate, a saving grace.

In the dim light, their shadows loomed,
A son and father, in silence consumed.
The contrast stark, the atmosphere grim,
The only solace, pancakes on the rim.

So Clyde ate in that cold, dark room,
The pancakes his only warmth, his only bloom.
In the midst of chill and unspoken pain,
A silent bond in discomfort did reign.

Not wanting to be in this awkward situation any longer, Clyde ate his food quickly and got up. However his father stopped him before he could leave the table.

"Walk with Tolkien today." He spoke.

"Okay." Clyde tried not to give his father a dirty look as he left the room.

Was this his father's way of acceptance? This? Really? Was yesterday's fighting for nothing? Had he just forgotten he yelled at his son? What is going on?

That's it?

These and a million other questions went through Clyde's mind as he made his way over to the Tolkien's house. It took awhile, but eventually he got to his soulmate's.... house.

Clyde climbed each step with care,
Legs heavy, burden hard to bear.
Finally reaching the very last,
Questions lingered from the past.

Cmon, do it. He pressured himself, WALK.

He turned around and walked back down the steps. He was too much of a pussy to face the mess HE made. He would just... have to face it at school!




"Hey Clyde!"

Clyde turned his head. "Oh sup Bebe."

"Happy Valentine's Day!" Bebe smiled, handing Clyde a candy bar.

"But, we aren't soulmates?" Clyde questioned, still taking the candy.

"I know!" She laughed, "But my soulmate doesn't go to this school. I searched him up and he lives in LA."

"Oh, that sucks." Clyde replied, opening up the candy bar.

"So... who is your soulmate?" Bebe asked.

"Uhhh!" Clyde almost choked on the candy Bebe gave him. "It's uh...! A secret!"

"Hmmm..." Bebe scanned the room. "Is she in our class..?"

Clyde peeked at Tolkien sitting at his desk.

"No!" Clyde scratched his head, "They uh... they don't live in the same country as us..."

Their conversation ended with their teacher sending them to their desks for roll call.

Clyde didn't want to lie to his friend. She was nice to him. They used to date for goodness sake! Sure, they were the worst couple in the world— but Clyde did truly loved her. She was perfect in his eyes. Still is!

Perhaps that's why it hurts so much. He wishes that she was his soulmate. For their fate to be intertwined. Not with Tolkien.

But.. why did it feel so bad to lie to her? He did lie often— as any kid his age would do.

So... why did this time feel so different?

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