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As Clyde's vision un-blurred and reentered to the classroom before him, he saw no one other then Tolkien fucking Black, right in front of him. His soulmate. His... soulmate..? Could he just be his platonically soulmate? No, because if Tolkien was his platonic soulmate who would be his romantic soulmate?


That meant Tolkien was his soulmate. His. Soulmate. His soulmate. His soulmate. How??

Clyde's face harden and he turned his head away from Tolkien. "Fuck off, dude. I'm not in the mood."

This was just too much for him to handle right now. So much to digest. First off, his soulmate was a boy. that wasn't ideal. Clyde never knew that he could end up with a boy so he never thought about it. In his head he believed (albeit naïvely now) that he would end up with a girl. A hot girl he could love wholeheartedly.

Secondly, his soulmate is Tolkien. His best friend. He wasn't supposed to date him. He was best man material! Not groom material! This is crazy! Clyde didn't want their relationship to change. He was content with being best friends with Tolkien. He liked that they could talk about whatever while playing games after school. He liked having his second half with him. But he didn't want that second half to be his soulmate! What the hell!

Why did this have to happen to him? What did he do to deserve this fate? He liked Tolkien, sure, but not like that. The two were the best of friends! Now he has to be spending his life with Tolkien. Which, would be awesome to do that with his bestest friend ever, ...if he didn't already plan on doing that with Bebe.

Wait, didn't that mean that some other guy got Bebe's name? Fuck, that guy was lucky. Clyde would give anything to be whatever guy (or girl) that Bebe got as her soulmate.

Clyde looked around. A lot of his classmates were out of their hallucinations now. Some were crying of sadness, others of happiness, others were getting up from their seats and asking if they too saw what they saw.

He turned his head to notice his friend Craig staring off into the distance. "Bro, are you okay?"

"No, bro." Craig replied flatly, not taking his eye off whatever he was focusing on.

"Uh.. are you good..?" Clyde asked, worried.

"No, I just saw a fat ugly witch fly over me and then throw the note of who my soulmate was at my eye."

"Uh, What the fuck?" Clyde nervously laughed, he was lucky that he didn't have Craig's hallucinations, "Well, who is your soulmate?"

"Tweek." Craig once again flatly replied.

"Oh, lucky." Clyde noted.

"What?" Craig turned to face Clyde with a face of confusion.

"I mean that your lucky that your boyfriend is your soulmate." Clyde explained.

"Oh," Craig turned his head back to focus on whatever he is focusing on, "I see."

Clyde ignored the weirdness of that entire conversation he just had with his second bestest friend in the whole wide world.

Was Tolkien going to drink the juice? Well, he was required to, but what would happened after that? Tolkien had to be mad. That was for sure. Would he want to fight Clyde over it? Actually, Tolkien wouldn't. He had some brains in there that would tell him that it's not worth fighting your soulmate.


He groaned in frustration. His hopes were dashed. Everything he believed that would happen after drinking the juice didn't happen. All he got was seeing little men and then being told he was gay.

What a fucking great day.

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