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Tolkien opened his mouth to speak and then closed it as he pressed his lips firmly together. This was awkward just standing in front of his best friend in front of the class after he'd accidentally ran into the other. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this awkward especially since he could feel the eyes of a couple others on the two.

He couldn't stop thinking of how cold his friend had been when he'd run into him. Glancing towards the girls and boys who were now mostly crying in happiness or sadness with their girly blankets, he sighed. As he slowly stuck his hands in his pockets, he glanced back towards his friend. But the other's reply caught him off guard immediately...

'Fuck off dude, I'm not in the mood...'

What did it mean? Had he done something? He quickly took a step back, suddenly aware of how much space was in between the two. He hadn't violated the other's privacy had he? He thought back to the past couple of weeks, taking note between their different interactions.

Had he gotten too close to the other by mistake? If so- he had to apologize. But then again it could just be that drink that put him in a bad mood. It was best he didn't retaliate. But deep down, the other's words sort of hurt. Truthfully, it usually hurt if he was told to fuck off for unknown reasons no matter the person. He was just that kind of person who could sort of be sensitive to vulgar language at times.

But that didn't mean he wasn't going to be there for his friend...

He wanted to talk to the other but at the same time he wanted to give the brown haired male space. He watched as his friend had a brief conversation with Craig and couldn't help but smile a little. Although the two's conversation wasn't the best that hopefully things would turn out okay. He then went to his seat, sitting down beside his homosexual friend and then pulled out a book as he started to read it.

Every couple of times, he glanced upwards at the two. He still didn't understand just what was going on. But it had to be something big if it was upsetting Clyde- oh that damned juice! Did the brunette really believe in that stuff?

"I don't mean to be an asshole but do you guys really believe in that stuff?" the dark male asked while not looking up from his book. "I mean- we have our entire lives to look forward to. We shouldn't get too pressed over a juice that tells us who our soulmates are. It may not even be accurate. What I'm trying to say is that we should let our soulmates come to us. It's the natural thing to do- especially since we're all either ten or eleven. Mother Nature will reveal our soulmates to us when she's ready but that may not be for a while because we're all too young for this stuff. Of course, you guys may not believe in what I believe in but that's fine. I'm just letting you know you shouldn't treat this as if it's the end of your anything."

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