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Tolkien hadn't had a dream that night and had rather had a restless sleep until one in the morning. Usually he tried to get in bed by ten but he hadn't been able to take his mind off of the events prior to today. Though, he'd expected to have rather irritable sleep tonight as today was something that would happen once in a blue moon in his book.

Fortunately, he'd ended up digging around last night and had found his jar of melatonin he'd had last year which after taking had put him to sleep in all due time. Due to the drug, he'd slept flawlessly after without any issues following. Even if yesterday had been a rather frustrating day, it wasn't all that bad. He'd ended with having a delicious feast. One in which he had devoured up due to not realizing how hungry he truly was. He'd expected for his appetite to go away consequent to finding out that his soulmate was indeed his best friend when in fact it had stayed; only, it was pushed to the back of his mind.

He emitted soft snores from his lips as he absentmindedly snuggled deeper into his pillow. That was until when his six am alarm went off in which he at first tried to ignore until it was too unbearable for him. With a groan, he reached over and blindly felt around, trying to locate any buttons whatsoever and finally found one. Not knowing which one it was or what it would do, he pressed it until his alarm went silent. Now, he could get some more shuteye.

He allowed himself a small yawn, not really wanting to go to school today because he knew what the date read without even having to look at it or any of his devices. It was none other than couple's day aka Valentine's Day aka the only day that equaled a living hell. He wasn't sure how he was going to make it through the day knowing he'd be surrounded by couples everywhere. He would ask his parents if he could stay home but they would say no since he wasn't exactly sick. Sure, he could lie but then he'd later feel bad about it.

He then decided to get up out of bed and stretch, seeing no other option but to attend school.

What was the worst possible thing that could happen today anyway? He could handle a few couples and besides, it wasn't like it was anything new. It was just lovers being lovers performing their lovey dovey shit in the hallways or in the bathroom. He cringed at the thought of that and decided to pick up his phone, scrolling through his playlists in a hope to take his mind off of the fact that it was the fourteenth of February and eventually found an older playlist that he'd created earlier this year that consisted of music from the 80's. Smiling to himself, he quickly played a random song, bobbing his head to the beat as he got changed into his usual purple t-shirt that had a 'T' painted on it and his usual black pants complete with his black leather jacket.

Grabbing his backpack, he quickly went downstairs, made himself a lunch, ate breakfast, brushed his teeth and then headed to school. He didn't wish to take the bus today knowing it was going to be annoyingly crowded and noisy.

He walked past the snow covered houses along the snow covered path, watching the vehicles out of the corner of the eye fly past him. Inside, he hoped that none of them would spray any snow onto him as that would only make his day more miserable. He'd rather watch people make out than be wet all day. Anything was better than getting a cold for the most part.

Burying his hands in his jacket pocket, he let out a soft sigh as his feet continued crunching in the very shallow snow. He glanced up at the sky, noticing that there was a bit of sunlight much to his relief. Turns out today wouldn't be a horribly gloomy day. At least that's what he told himself. That was until a car went flying by and sprayed fresh snow from late the prior night all over his jacket. Forcing back the urge to yell at the driver, the brunet padded on until he reached the school building where his nightmares finally came to life:


There were couples everywhere. Whether they were holding hands, kissing or doing other romantic things.

A feeling of longing tugged the back of his throat as he turned his head away from them and went inside the open double doors only to see more couples conversing with each other. Rolling his eyes, annoyed he walked past them to his classroom. He was already growing annoyed by this day even if not much had happened. Already, he knew this would be a terrible day. He shivered a bit as he entered his classroom and sat down in his seat. Thankfully there weren't many people inside just yet as others were either with their partners or running late on purpose. Partners...speaking of which had Mr Garrison set the kids up with that stupid juice on purpose? So that they'd have a decent valentine's day? So that they knew that at least one person loved them? It was kinda fucked up but at the same time it made sense. But to him, to know that Clyde was his soulmate hit in a way he hadn't expected.

He wasn't mad. He wasn't glad. He wasn't excited. He wasn't even neutral. He simply didn't know what to think. What was he supposed to think? After all, he didn't even believe in soulmates and rather trial and error. His parents had told him that it would take either up to his entire life or a simple look around to find his soulmate and that only he'd know if it was the one. But for his best friend to have told him it was him ruined the entire purpose of the search. He wasn't supposed to be told. It was like spoiling a movie or for someone giving him the answers for a homework assignment rather than helping him. He wanted to utter a 'why' to his friend the minute he felt the other's stare linger on him for more than a second but he figured that the other had only told him so that he wasn't suffering alone but again what was the point? If they both had to suffer, where would that lead?

Would they even be able to maintain a simple friendship with this newfound information or would they turn their backs forever on each other?

Mr Garrison sure made things complicated for some kids that was for sure.

"Okay class let's take our seats." Mr Garrison grumbled as he took role. "That's great that only half of you showed up. Now the reason why the soulmate blah blah blah happened today..."

That's when Tolkien stopped listening, having absolutely no interest in what the teacher was saying and instead had other thoughts lingering in the back of his mind that he wanted to take care of. Turning to the lighter brunet who he'd recently found out was his soulmate, he tried to play it cool. Reaching underneath the desk, he gave the other a slight tap on the leg and then politely waved. "Hey man...happy Val Day or as Kenny, Stan and I like to call it, Happy Virgin Day."

A couple of the students around that had overheard the only black kid speak let out a giggle upon hearing the inside joke.

"What's so funny?" Mr Garrison had now caught onto the fact that some of the students were distracted.

"Nothing! It's not funneh!" Cartman spat. "Don't you fucking worry about it!"

"Okay then..." Then the teacher got on with his lesson.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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