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"I'm fine Tolkien," Clyde glared," Its none of your business."

That was a lie. It very much was his business. But that didn't matter right now. As Clyde looked out ahead of him at the endless rain, he had only one goal in mind.

"Let's just get out of here," Clyde turned his heel and walked towards the exit.

"...There are many side effects to being around your soulmate." Mr. Garrison, explained to the class, "Because of your chromosomes being a perfect match to your soulmate, your bodies naturally want to be close to one another, and work to benefit one another. Essentially, if you are feeling like dog shit— run up to your soulmate and hug them. It's basically cheap ass therapy."

Well, Mr. Garrison was a huge liar. Clyde felt worse the closer he was to Tolkien. Maybe he got it wrong? Maybe it was a different Tolkien all together that was his soulmate. Maybe this Tolkien was like his anti-soulmate. Someone who he had to be away from at all costs.

"Tolkien! Clyde!" Mrs. Black yelled from her car, "Get in the car before you become drenched!"

Clyde hurried up and jumped into the car. He removed the drenched red beanie he was wearing and put it on his lap.

"Gosh." Mrs. Black exclaimed, "It really is rainy today! I just pray that our farm is okay... How is everything at home, Clyde?"

'I want to die. I am ready. God, please strike me down.Clyde thought. He was half-joking, but the tears starting to far weren't. 'This is weird. Mrs. Black is going to be my future mother-in-law. Why does it have to be this way?'


If Clyde had to get married to Tolkien, his soulmate, which last name would they take? Clyde liked being a Donovan, but would he have to become a Black? Clyde Black... Hm... Tolkien Donovan... Both sounded good. If he had to choose, he would choose his own last name.

Maybe they could do rock paper scissors... But what about the actual wed—

'STOP STOP STOP' Clyde covered his ears, as if that would somehow stop the in head argument he was having with himself, 'I am not getting married to TOLKIEN of all people! He isn't even hot enough for me! I rather die alone!'

"Clyde? Earth to Clyde Donovan?" Mrs. Black laughed.

"Oh, I am sorry." Clyde wiped a tear from his eye, "Everything is fine at home. Although I don't think we have any more desserts."

"Oh haha! Tolkien isn't allowed to have any desserts at our house." Mrs. Black sighed, "Speaking of which, Tolkien what would you like to eat? We have blah blah blah blah"

It was at this point where Clyde stopped listening to everyone else. He could care less.

After what felt like a whole ass decade of awkwardness, they finally got to Clyde's house. He thanked Mr. and Mrs. Black and got his backpack from the trunk of the car. Before he left however, he whispered something to Tolkien.

"I don't know if you realized since you didn't take the juice, but we are soulmates." Clyde tried not to cry anymore out of frustration as he said the last part; "And in case you didn't realize, you aren't a hot babe. That's why I am pissed with you. Bye, Tolkien."

And with that Clyde left his soulmate and went inside his house.

"Hello, son." Clyde's dad greeted him at the door, which was a rare sight to Clyde. Usually the depressed ass man just sits on the couch all day.

"Hello, dad." Clyde greeted back, taking off his shoes and coat.

"I saw an email from your school that today was soulmate day."

"Yeah, what about it.." Clyde slowly started to walk away, not wanting to have such an awkward conversation.

"Well?" Clyde's dad crossed his arms, "Who is it? Who is your soulmate?"

"...tolkien..." Clyde mumbled.

"Clyde you have to speak up." Clyde's dad said sternly.

"my soulmate is tolkien..."

"what." All the anger from his father's face vanished— replaced by pure confusion. All the thoughts behind his eyes seemed to disappear as he processed the information his son was giving him. "That's not a funny joke, son."

"..I'm not joking," Clyde slowly backed away.

The silence in the room was suffocating the poor kid. It tackled him and rushed through his veins and stomped out his heart. He waited for his Dad to yell at him, beat him, anything. But with the slam of the entrance door his father was gone, leaving Clyde alone to his thoughts.

"Damnit." Clyde huffed, storming off to his room.

Clyde threw his backpack to the ground.

'He is always doing this! He never changes!' Clyde thought. Truth was, his Dad was always pulling this shit ever since Mom died. It's like he can't handle a single problem in the house, or thus he must explode.

Or worse, just leave.

It makes Clyde question if his Dad will ever come back again. Question if that would be their last conversation. Because that was his dad when he was full on angry. Instead of beating him, he ignored him. He would full on abandon Clyde, pretending the kid didn't even exist. Clyde would be forced to grow up and make his own meals. Get HIMSELF to school by himself. If he had a hard math problem? Tough luck. Your Dad ain't helping you now.

He never knew where his Dad went whenever he left after an argument. What he did know was what his Dad brought back after doing god knows what.

Clyde could hear the opening of front door as well as the slam of it closing. He could hear the rugged footsteps from his father as he walked throughout the house.

Clyde got under the covers and closed his eyes. He didn't want to face his father. Not right now. He was still grieving with the fact that his best friend was his soulmate.

"Son." Clyde's father said, "I know you are awake. Get up. I got you Panda Express."

"W-What?" Clyde's eyes lit up. "Panda Express!"

"Get out of your bed." His father handed a bag of Panda Express to Clyde, "I got you Beijing beef with fried rice and extra fried rice. Eat at the kitchen."

"Thanks.." Clyde walked past his father and went to go eat his food.

His dad was always like this. Never once did he apologize for his wrong doings. He would just run away to blow off steam and come back with food. Food was his way of apologizing. Was it the most comforting thing in the world? No. But hey, who could say no to Panda Express.

Tomorrow will be better.

It has to be.

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