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sorry for the wait i was on reddit

Clyde groaned. "Nobody gives a shit about what Mother Nature wants to do! This juice told us who are fucking soulmates are and we have the right to be mad!"

"Who said anything about being mad?" Craig questioned, cringing "I'm not mad about my soulmate."

"Whose your soulmate?" Clyde asked.

"Tweek Tweak." Craig said stoically.

Clyde wanted to say something, but he couldn't find the will to do so. He just burst into tears. Right there. Right in front of everyone.

"Why can't I get what I want!!!" Clyde sobbed.

He didn't want Tolkien as his soulmate! Sure, he was Clyde's best friend, and would probably make a nice soulmate for him... but Tolkien? Really? Why couldn't he have gotten someone cute like Bebe Stevens??? He never even considered the fact that his soulmate WOULDN'T be Bebe Stevens... let alone not a girl!

"Well, who did you get?" Craig asked.

"Uh..." Clyde peeked over at Tolkien, then back at Craig, "Don't worry about that."

"Whatever" Craig flipped Clyde off and got up to go chat with his boyfriend.

Clyde scoffed and grabbed his notebook so he could go over his notes to kill time. They still had a few more hours to go by until he could go home and then... oh, right. He wasn't walking home today. Tolkien's Dad was driving him home.

Due to the whole soulmate situation, Clyde had forgotten about Tolkien's Dad picking up both him and Tolkien today. Clyde's dad was picking up extra shifts at his work as of late and Tolkien's parents had so kindly offered to pick him up from school on days that were too cold or too stormy for Clyde to walk home from school.

As his fucking horrible luck would have it— today was one of those stormy days.

"Alright class let's settle down," Mr. Garrison interrupted Clyde's train of thought. "It seems that everyone who fainted is awake again.. Oh! Except Scott MalkhoweverthefuckyouspellhislastName, someone wake him up! Don't be afraid to slap him awake if needed! Anyways, we need to move on to math! Gosh, I'm really disappointed, the highest score on the math test yesterday was only 40% blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah..."

Yeah, it was now time for Clyde to space out again.

His eyesight peeked over towards Tolkien, who was sitting a row in front of him. Fuck. He should've paid more attention to Tolkien instead of looking at his notes. He didn't even know if he had taken a sip of the juice! What was he even supposed to do now? He didn't want to take his chances and talk to Tolkien again.

After all, Tolkien was probably going to ignore him after this! He had to be disgusted— that was without a doubt in Clyde's mind. Clyde felt a tear start to form in his eye. Was he going to lose his best friend over this? He didn't know if he could handle Tolkien ignoring him over this. Even though Clyde hated the idea of Tolkien being his soulmate he didn't want to lose him over this.

He really liked being best friends with Tolkien. The two just clicked really well that it was quite incredible in fact. Clyde just felt safe and happy around him. They really were the perfect duo. Tolkien was the moon, Clyde was the sun. Clyde was the golden retriever to Tolkien's black cat. Tolkien was the lawful-good to Clyde's chaotic-good. There was more yin-yang comparisons Clyde could think of, but 3 was enough. You get the gist. He really didn't want Tolkien to drop him as a friend over this.

Clyde felt that tear the build up and start to fall down his cheek as his thoughts started to snowball more and more into the pit of despair and insecurity. What if Tolkien hated the fact that Clyde was his soulmate so much that Tolkien bullies him for it?

What if Tolkien beats the shit out of him for it? Clyde can't fucking fight. At least not any good, that is— and Clyde had seen Tolkien in action before. When he gets mad and fed up, it's not pretty. Clyde really didn't want to be at the end of that. He would be devastated if Tolkien ended their friendship ended over this! The two of them had been through thick and thin— it couldn't end now!

"Okay— this was fine," Clyde thought, sighing.

Tolkien hates the whole soulmate thing, right? Hopefully that means he didn't bother taking a sip of the soulmate juice. Which hopefully means Clyde can move on from this, right?


Clyde looked over at the clock and saw that there was only ten more minutes left of school. Good. He yawned and pondered. If Tolkien didn't take the soulmate juice, that also meant that nobody but Clyde would know who his soulmate is. That gave him the opportunity to lie in this case.

If anyone asked, he could tell them that he forgot who his soulmate was. If they asked more, he'd say that his soulmate was dead. If that wasn't a believable story, he could say that his soulmate was... a no good pirate! Who would want to be with a pirate, anyway?


Finally! School was over for the day! Clyde's worst day ever was almost over! Just one more hurdle... Tolkien and his carpool of doom. Welp, here goes nothing.

"Hey Tolkien," Clyde scratched the back of his head, "Are your parents still driving me home? Or no?"

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