To many secrets!

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It's been almost a full 2 weeks since Kion's coronation/wedding with Rani-
Everything was going smoothly, and Kion and Rani were learning so much from Simba and Nala's stay. It was almost time for Simba and Nala to head back to the pridelands within the next few days, so they wanted to enjoy the last few days to the fullest with their son, and his Queen.

Simba: I have to say I'm very proud of you and Rani for doing such a great job as King and Queen of the tree of life so far!

Nala: Yes! And you both learned so much!
Nala: But remember that there's always room for improvement!

Kion and Rani both smiled at Simba and Nala's words.

Kion: It's all thanks to you guys, mom, dad!

Rani: I agree with Kion!
Rani: It's because of your help, that we could come this far together.

Simba and Nala smiled at them both.

Nala: Glad we could help.

Simba: You both have been through a lot these last few weeks,

Simba stepped closer to Kion, keeping the smile.

Simba: Why don't you and Rani spend a little time together without worrying about all your royal duties for awhile!

Kion: But dad, how-

Kion got cut off by his father once again-

Simba: Your mother and I can handle a few Royal duties for you both while you do.

Simba then turned to Nala.

Simba: Isn't that right, Nala?

Nala nodded her head in agreement.

Nala: Of course we can!

Rani: You both really don't have to do-

Rani got cut off by Nala-

Nala: It really is no trouble, Rani!

Rani smiled more towards Nala, running up to her with a hug.

Rani: Thank you, Nala!

Rani then turned to look at Simba, still smiling.

Rani: And thank you, Simba!

Nala: Of course!

Simba: Now run along and have a fun care-free day together!

Kion: Thanks dad, mom!,
Kion: We will!

Kion and Rani ran out of the tree together, side by side!

Kion: Is there anything you can think of that you wanna do, Rani?

Rani did a playful smirk at Kion, slowing down the pace until she's walking, making Kion slow down too.

Rani: Is there anything YOU can think of that you wanna do, Kion?~

Kion was a little surprised by her response, but returned her smirk in no time.

Kion: I think I know a challenge when I see one!-

Rani: Oh really?,

Kion nodded, smirking a bit more. It was obvious to Rani that he had something planned...
And she knew very well that it was no different then hers-

Together: WRESTLING!!!

And with that, the two of them launched at eachother, forcing them both on their two back paws in a hug-like position!
Neither of them was going to give the other an opportunity-

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