Father, Son, Bonding!

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Kion and Rani were cuddled up with eachother on their Rock, living in their happiest moment together! Neither of them was asleep anymore, and instead both were just enjoying the comforts of the other!

Kion and Rani were cuddled up with eachother on their Rock, living in their happiest moment together! Neither of them was asleep anymore, and instead both were just enjoying the comforts of the other!

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Rani: It's so peaceful laying here with you...

Kion: Yeah... I know!

Rani smiles at Kion before rubbing her head under his chin, cutely.
This earned a smile from Kion as well as he couldn't shake the overwhelming joy he felt, being with Rani.

Kion: So hey, Rani,

Rani removed her head from Kions chin,  becoming more engaged in the conversation to come.

Kion: I was wondering what you planned on doin today?

Rani shifted an eyebrow at Kion's question, smirking a little in the process.

Kion: Let me rephrase that a little-

Kion put a paw around Rani, as they are still laying together,

Kion: What WE have planned to do today,
Kion: As rulers, of course- heh.

Rani giggled.

Rani: I know it's not always exactly the most... umm..

Rani paused for a moment as she rolled her eyes back in thought.
Kion smirks at her pause and decides to take over.

Kion: Pleasing?

Rani rolls her eyes at Kions take over, and giggled a little more afterwards.

Rani: Yes!
Rani: It's not the most pleasing thing to do all the time, I admit-

Rani gives a calm and peaceful sigh as she relaxed her head now against Kions shoulder. Kion removed his paw from Rani, and smiled at her cuddling up to him.

Rani: But when we can do it together... it's so much fun!

Kion agreed to this full heartedly.

Kion: Your right.

Rani: Always am!

Kion laughed softly at Rani's overconfidence in herself.

Rani: What's so funny!?

Kion: Was I laughin to loudly?,

Kion smirked.

Kion: Cuz it just seemed to me like you've been maybe hangin around Thurston a little to much lately!

Rani peeked her head up from Kions shoulder, and clearly felt a challenge.

Rani: Hey!

Kion started to laugh a little more, this time not just a soft laugh, but one that could be further heard.
Rani cried out-

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