New rulers have to start somewhere!

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Bunga: Stop right there!-

Fuli: Bunga! YOU stop right there-

Bunga: Whos in charge here again, Fuli?

Fuli rolled her eyes at Bungas incompetence.

Fuli: Not you,
Fuli: Thats for sure!.

Fuli and Bunga were chosen on a rescue together to help a certain "Zebra" out of a mudpit. They were struggling to get along... but mostly on Fuli's part. Bunga wasn't the easiest to be stuck on a rescue mission with.

Bunga: Hey!

Bunga and Fuli both had a little stare down with one another that lasted for almost a minute, but Fuli sighed and rolled her eyes once more.

Fuli: Anyways,
Fuli: How does that Zebra always manage to get into some kind of trouble all on his own?

Bunga: Maybe he's just to smart for his own good?-

Fuli: Yeah... or maybe he's just to "lost" in the brain!

Bunga and Fuli reached the mudpit and both paused for a moment, sharing a "do you see this too," kind of look.
The Zebra was not only stuck in the mudpit... but he was also somehow STRAIGHT in the center of it!

Bunga: This is more of a job for big B-

Fuli: Yeaah... but Beshte's busy getting his picture painted with Makini at the tree!

Bunga: Ohh yeahh-
Bunga: Guess it's up to us!

Fuli: Ughh... I hate mud ALMOST as much as I hate water!...

Meanwhile, at the tree, Kion and Rani were talking with Simba and Nala.
Simba and Nala both agreed on helping them become more accustomed to their new roles as King and Queen of the tree of life!

Rani: It really is very appreciated that you both would take up a great deal of your time here to teach us all you can about ruling a kingdom!

Nala: Please, Rani! It is our pleasure to do this.

Simba: Nala is right. We couldn't be happier to help you both.

As they were talking things over, it wasn't long before Ullu came flying inside the tree, requesting Kion and Rani.

Ullu: Queen Rani, King Kion!,

Kion: Ullu?

Rani: What's the problem, Ullu?

Ullu: Baliyo is having trouble getting Hun Hun and Kely to share their favorite Bamboo stand again!-

Rani: But I thought we had that problem taken care of already?

Ullu: Yes, but the shifts seem to not be working for them anymore,
Ullu: Baliyo needs your assistance!

Kion and Rani both look at eachother with concerned expressions, then back at Ullu.

Kion and Rani both look at eachother with concerned expressions, then back at Ullu

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