Zebra In The Snow!

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It was a beautiful morning at the tree of life, and the lion guard were just getting ready to start their patrol!
This time, Kion was also with them, leading them after so long of not getting any chance to help his friends.
Being king of the tree of life wasn't just some easy task-
It was a lot of work.

Bunga: Man! I can't even remember the last time Kion came on a patrol with us!

Beshte: It's nice to have him leading us again after all this time.

Ono flew down to Bunga and Beshte, landing on Beshte's back.

Ono: It does feel nice having him here again.

Kion was just a little ahead of them, along with Fuli who was walking more his pace then the others, and Anga flying over their heads, keeping watch.

Fuli: So what route should we take today, Kion?

Kion: Not sure-

Kion turned his head towards Fuli, who was on his right.

Kion: It's been so long since I was leading a patrol like this, that I might have lost my sense of direction-

Fuli laughed at Kion's remark.

Fuli: Your right-

Fuli then smirked at Kion, as he waits for her to finish.

Fuli: Maybe I should be leading the patrol since I have plenty of experience after all this time of taking over for you-

Kion: Maybe your right-

Kion now smirked at Fuli,

Kion: Or maybe we should let Anga decide!

Anga: Yup.

Anga flew ahead and used her keen eyesight to spot for any signs of trouble.

Anga looked from the river, all the way to the snowy biomes and any other habitats ahead. As she was scanning, her sight locked on a certain "Zebra" who appeared to be "panicking" and "running" from inside the snow biome!
Anga flew back towards Kion and the others who are all stopped now.

Kion: Did you see anything, Anga?

Anga lands in front of them. She points her wing towards the snowy biomes-

Anga: A Zebra "panicking" out in the snow biomes- but other then that,

Anga tucked her wing back again.

Anga: Everything seems to be fine.

Kion looked at Fuli, only to see her giving him a "really?" face.
Kion then turned his attention back to Anga with a smile.

Kion: Thanks, Anga!

Kion sighed and rolled his eyes sarcastically at his friends behind him.

Kion: Guess we better go check on that Zebra!

Bunga walked up between Kion and Fuli with his arms crossed.

Bunga: What's he even doing in the snowy biomes?

Kion: Guess we'll just have to wait and find out-

Fuli gave a long sigh before getting a head start, walking in front of everyone else.

Fuli: Let's just get this over with!

Ono rolled his eyes,

Ono: "Zebras"-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2023 ⏰

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