Chapter I

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The Desert Ghost (Munin)


"Control, I'm approaching the observation point." He says. He slides his pistol into his holster and grabs onto an old rope dangling from the cliff above. After tugging it a few times, making sure it wouldn't snap, he climbs up the cliff and starts to scan the port facility below on the other side of the cliff. He goes by many names. Raven, Phantom, Munin, Reaper, and most commonly, The Desert Ghost. He prefers Reaper, but Control and Crystal Kingdom insist on calling him Ghost. Despite this, he will always be Reaper to himself. The game of life plays in his hand, and he is the one who can end it in an instant. "I'll be in position momentarily. Ghost out."

<< "Understood Ghost. Make this quick." >> Says the voice from the experimental mask. Reaper turns on the binocular mode on his mask, scanning every building for enemies.

"They still haven't fixed that crane. It's been a month and a half now," he mutters. After a few more moments of scanning the port facility, he spots what he is looking for. A man in a white suit with gold highlights steps out of a building with a close entourage of heavily armed guards. Such a shame that Reaper would have to ruin such a perfect suit.

"Control. I have a positive ID on the primary target," he said. "How do we approach this?"

<< "It's your call. The basics stay the same. Get them stationary to increase your chances." >> says Control.

"Acknowledged," Reaper says, getting into a prone position and zeroing his sniper scope into the distance. 1500 meters to target. The orange bullet drop and wind speed on the scope mark the exact trajectory of the bullet. He breathes out, emptying his lungs, and aims down the sight, his finger on the trigger. This moment had been long in the making. It had taken him weeks to get to this position. His target had evaded him one too many times. This was it. He was going to finish it. I've waited a long time for this.

Sorry for the short chapter :/

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