Chapter IV

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Universe #̸̛̤ 1̴̀2̶̓4̷̕2̸̑9̵̒3̴̈́8̶̈́9̵1̸̂

What? He tries to stand up, but it seems he is still strapped into the CASKET piloting system of the plane. He looks around, The soft blue highlights of the controls are still there, but it seems the visual camera system is offline. No matter. He thinks. I can still pilot Raven. He didn't remember when he had started calling the seventh-generation supermaneuverable aerial dominance fighter 'Raven' but the name had stuck. "Am I dead?" he mutters to himself. He instinctively reaches down towards his left hand, but it is still cold and metallic. He smiles wistfully, squeezing his hand as if he was trying to undo what flying had done to him. One million lives... He wasn't proud of what he had done. He hated himself for it. But he did what had to be done and there was nothing he could do now anyway. He tries to reboot the sensory array and succeeds and as the CASKET system powers up, he is met with an astonishing sight. An ocean that stretched to the horizon, without a single piece of land in sight. Munin smiles, craning his neck to look around. It's good to see a color besides red for once. He then starts to mess with the radio console, but all he gets is static. He eventually gives up and leaves the AI that acted as his co-pilot to sort out the radio. Next is the radar system. He starts to reset the radar and IFF. *STATIC *. He stops. "Say again?" he asks.

<<"Unidentified aircraft, identify yourself at once or we will open fire!">> says a feminine voice. He frowns, waiting for his radar to restart.

"No need to get hostile. This is Echo 1-1, callsign Munin," he says in a monotone voice.

"Radar and IFF rebooted. All systems online." the computer says in his earpiece.

"Restart weapons systems next," he says. "Start with the laser system. Then the railgun, then the drones." The AI goes quiet and he can feel the various weapons systems powering up.

"Done. Exodus, Eclipse, and Genesis are online." Munin smiles. He knew he could always rely on Raven to sort himself out.

"You still there?" he asks, trying to get the operator on the other side to respond.

<<"How did you get into this restricted area?">> she asks. <<"Did you not encounter any naval patrols??">>

"Negative. I'm too high up to be within sightline anyway," he says.

<<"What about radar?">> The operator inquires. He frowns. Did stealth aircraft not exist here?

"What radar? This is a stealth aircraft," he says, banking east. Then more quietly he says "Try to triangulate the signal's origin, Raven."

<<"What is... Never mind. Leave the airspace immediately." >> The radio operator says.

"Negative, ground command. I'm low on fuel. I can pay for it." He says. That was a lie. His plane could run for hours without fuel because it had a backup electric propulsion system. Thank the heavens for the engineers at Icosahedron Industries. "Besides, I'm sure your superiors would like to see this craft."

"Origin triangulated. Displaying coordinates on Heads Up Display." Munin nods.

"Thank you, Raven," he mutters.

<<"Echo 1-1, you are cleared to land at our base as long as you pay for the jet fuel. Sending escorts now. Eta 10 minutes. Standby.">> The operator says.

"No need," he says, smiling to himself, amused. "Your position has already been triangulated and I am en route now." He shuts off the radio, not wanting to be asked any more questions about himself. "Raven set a course and bring us up to 72,000 feet."

"Understood. Adjusting current bearing."

"Thank you." He replies, then hesitates. "Keep weapons on standby. We don't know what's ahead." 

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