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I was walking to school. It was just like everyday. I currently have a girlfriend, but I fucking hate her. She's one of those annoying skinny girls. "Fuck.." I mumble to myself, seeing this shitty highschool. I fucking hated it. Even though I'm popular, I despise this school. Shortly, I arrive at those same stupid front doors. I walk in, to see a bunch of random girls staring at me in awe.

I roll my eyes and walk to the bathroom, almost kicking the door open. When I walk in, I see the most beautiful guy I had ever seen. He looked over at me, seemingly that he knew who i am. Not surprised. "Hey, playboy." He says jokingly, giving me a little smile. "I'm just kidding. I'm Bill. and I'm guessing you're Y/N?" I give him a little smile in return and nodded.

"well, Y/N..." He says, before dropping his mascara. "oops." He mumbles, picking it back up. Damn, he's really cute. I like him. I don't wanna just take him and leave him, I wanna keep him. I just have to figure out how to...

"-And, I would like for you to come over." He says. I have no clue what the other parts were, but I nodded and said yes. "okay, after school. You can come." He says, finally returning to the mirror to put his mascara on. "see you then, Y/N." He says, smiling. The way he said my name was just so..

"yeah, see you then.." I reply, giving him a little smile. I then walk out of the bathroom, completely forgetting why I even walked in there in the first place. Whatever. I have to figure out how to make him mine. I know he would probably think if he dated me, I would just take it and leave it, but I actually wanna keep this one.

Whenever I dated girls, we would usually fuck, or just kiss or some shit like that. The relationship would only last a couple days, maybe a week, and rarely a month. I have to break up with Y/GF (your girlfriend or imaginary girlfriend). I started walking to my class, which was of course, math. I hate math...

I walked inside, heading to my desk next to Georg. "Hey, Geo." I say, sitting down. "Hey, Y/N." he replies, giving me a smile. I look up to see that same guy..uh, Bill, walking in. We're in the same class? Damn, I wish I would've known that sooner. He finally noticed me and gave me a little smile before heading to his own desk.

That smile was just too..ugh, stop thinking about that. I wonder what he would sound like if i-...goddammit, Y/N, stop thinking about that shit! You don't even know him like that. I sigh as Y/T walk in, looking gay as usual. He started talking about blah, blah, blah, math, math, math, and shit like that. I don't wanna pay attention.

first chapter yalls

Playboy (Bill Kaulitz x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now