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After Tom had picked us up, we were at their house. "I'm sorry, Tomi.." Bill mumbles, rubbing his arm. "It's fine, Insekt." (cute little name for billy boy) He smiled softly and unlocked the front door with his spare key, opening the door for us. I mumbled 'thanks' to Tom and walked in with Bill, looking around again. I never really looked at the living room.

It was pretty nice. "do you want anything to eat, Y/N?" Tom asked me, then Bill. "no thanks." I reply, giving him a slight smile. Bill shook his head no. Is he okay? He looked a little pissed. "Are you okay?" I whisper to Bill. "m'fine." He replies. "okay...let me know if there's something wrong." I reply, trying my best to get him to tell me what's wrong.

Could he have been jealous? I'm not even flirting with his brother, like, at all. "mhm." He replies, walking to the kitchen. Tom walked up to me. "what's his problem?" He asked in a whisper, crossing his arms. "no clue." I reply, shrugging my shoulders. "hm, alright..." Tom sighs and walks to the living room, sitting down on the couch. Bill grabbed my hand and led me upstairs, to his room.

I sat down on his bed and looked around to see what it looked like again, because I didn't pay attention the last time. "Do you understand German?" Bill asks, sitting down next to me. "Yeah, why?" He sighs. "Ich möchte nicht, dass du mit anderen Leuten redest, Y/N. Auch wenn es mein Bruder ist." (i don't want you talking to other guys, Y/N. Even if it's my brother.) He says, in a whisper almost.

"oh?" Was all I could say. "please? Just for me..." He mumbles, looking down. I sigh. "of course." I reply. He looks up at me and smiles, wrapping his arms around me. I started to kiss him, pulling him almost on my lap. We were in the middle of basically making out, and his brother just had to walk in. "woah there, lovebirds.." Tom mumbles, covering his eyes. "Tom!" Bill says, gesturing him to get out.

"yeah, yeah. I just wanted to ask if Y/N was staying the night again." He says, still covering his eyes. "yes he is." Bill replies. "don't be loud then." "shut up, Tom! You're always loud when you bring girls h-" "shut up!" Tom replies. "both of you shut up!" I join in. "you shut up!" Tom replies. "don't talk to Y/N like that!" Bill remarks. "Halt die Klappe, du Hure! Deshalb hast du deine Jungfräulichkeit an ihn verloren!"
(Don't translate that)

I gasped as I heard Tom say those words. "shut up! Don't speak to him like that! You have no place to say that!" I reply, wanting to slap him in the face. "Both of you shut up, and stop fighting!" Bill adds, making both of us go silent. "Fine, do whatever." Tom says, walking out and shutting the door behind him. "That was so fucking unreasonable." Bill says, crossing his arms.

"I know." I reply, facepalming. "Your brother is problematic." I add, scoffing. "I know. Does he even know how many virginities hes probably taken from girls?" He continues, facepalming as well. "He has no right to say those things." I reply, wrapping my arms around Bill again. That was so uncalled for.

Tom can't argue 😿🙏🏽

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