Say It For Me

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"She-..she said that...?" He asked, stepping back a bit. "Uh, yeah.." I say, rubbing my arm. "I guess that means I..." I stopped him. "I'll date you." I say, crossing my arms. His eyes lit up. "You're serious?" He asks. I can see the blush across his face. "Yeah, I'll date you." I repeat. This is my chance. "But...aren't you the quote unquote 'playboy'? You would just take me, and then leave me."

"Listen, I don't wanna just take it and leave it, I wanna keep it this time." I admit. I knew he would say something like that. "Oh...alright, I guess we're dating now.." I nod in response. Finally. I know we only met a few hours ago, but I think I really want him. --and just him. "Sooo...are we gonna couple stuff?.." he asks, rubbing the back of his neck. Is he talking about sex, kissing, stuff like that?

"Yeah, I guess..." He nods and takes a few steps closer to me. It wasn't long before he kissed me. His lips were soft, softer than any girl's I've ever kissed. I wrapped my arms around his waist to pull him closer, his chest against mine. It felt so fucking good. I've never felt like this before. I deepened the kiss, pushing my hips against his. Is he a virgin? Probably. Wait, what?

He shortly broke the kiss, leaving a string of saliva apart from our mouths. I licked my lips and looked at him after. "Are you a virgin?-" what the fuck did I just say? "Uh...yes?" He replies. "Oh, okay." What did I just say, oh god. Please don't think I'm weird for that-..what the hell?- I didn't even notice that I was sitting on the counter, with Bill on his knees in-between my legs. What is happening?


"Oh?" Was all I said. "I've never done this before, but I'm gonna try my best." He replies, unzipping my pants. "Just..take your time, and watch your teeth.." I mumble. What the hell is happening? Is he about to suck me off? It wasn't long before the tip of my member was in his mouth, leaving me breathless at why he was doing this.

"do I just.." he took about half of my length in his mouth, letting out a choked sound. Is he okay with this? "don't hurt yourself, please.." I mumble, looking down at him. He started to slightly suck on it. He obviously had no idea what he was doing. Should I help him? I don't fucking know anymore.. "fuck." I breath out, feeling him take my member deeper in his mouth. He moaned around my shaft, sending light vibrations through my body.

This is fucking crazy. No girl ever sucks me off, because they know my dick is too big to shove in their mouth. He started to slowly bob his head up and down on my member. Fuck, if it didn't feel like heaven. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and started going a bit faster. Isn't that too big for his mouth? He sure seems like he's given head before. "Ohh.." I moan quietly, as my tip lightly brushed against the back of his throat.

He made a little gagging sound, but I wasn't worried about it. I feel like I'm close. "Err..I'm close.." I mumble, breathing heavily as he kept going. He stopped and took it halfway out of his mouth, and started stroking all the way to the base. His tongue piercing feels so fucking good. Was I really about to cum in his mouth? Oh fuck. "Fuck, I'm.."

I just came in his mouth. Wow. That was.. he coughed as he took my member out of his mouth, spitting out some of the cum. (HAHAHA) "pfft!" He said, falling back against the table. "Are you okay...?" I ask, shoving my member back in my boxers. "Cough, im fine." He mumbles, coughing as he stood up. "are you sure? You just swallowed some of that salty shit."


"yup, I'm fine." He leaned against the kitchen counter and wiped his mouth again. What the fuck just happened? "So, wanna stay the night here?" He asks, trying to start conversation. "Sure.." I reply, buttoning my pants. "Okay." He replies, leaning over the sink and coughing again. "Are you sure you're okay?" I ask, rubbing his back. "Uh-huh, there's just some of your, uh, 'salty shit' in the back of my throat." He says. It's true.

What the fuck just happened, again? I'm so confused. We just met a few hours ago. I know we're dating, but that was a little...but, I don't mind it..

I can confirm that bill gives good head 🤯

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