I Love You Hoe

687 9 21

3:12 pm

It's somewhere around three pm, and me and Bill are just walking down the street, having no idea where the fuck we're going, which isn't the best idea. But, whatever. "Do you have any idea where we are, Y/N? because I don't know." Bill asks, looking around while we were walking. "No clue." I reply, also looking around.

"Shit.." he mumbles, getting a bit worried now. Why worry, when you have me? "I'll keep you safe, y'know..." I reply in a whisper almost. "I know, I just don't want Tom to worry." He replies, turning around with me. "why didn't he just come wi-" I got a notification. I took my phone out of my back pocket.

(Ex gf 💀)

· wya ?? I'm worried 🙎🏼‍♀️

· I'm w my bf 💀🙏🏽

· I still want u back Y/N 🙁

· well I dont so stfu 😂

· i hate you

· I love you too hoe 😂😂

"Who was that?" Bill asks, looking over at my phone. "Ex girlfriend telling me she wants me back." I reply, scoffing. "hoe." Bill whispers, crossing his arms. I looked over at him with a little smirk, seemingly he just said that. "bold." I mumble. "I'm right, though." He replies, squeezing my hand. "True." I say, laughing a bit.

Shortly, we were in some random neighborhood, looking around. I have no clue where we are at this point. "Where the hell are we?" Bill asks himself, standing still. "I have no idea." I reply, also standing still. He sighs loudly and looks back, seeing a car pass by. "god.." he mumbles, facepalming. "we should call your brother." I suggest.

"we should." He replies, grabbing his phone. He calls Tom, crossing one arm on the other. This is fucked up. I knew we shouldn't have walked like that. "hey, Tom. Uh, so were kinda like..lost." He sighs. "we're at.." I point at the street sign. "**** **, **** ****." He nods and hangs up. "he's coming to pick us up." I nod in response. "you're glad I love you." I say, smirking a bit.

The only odetari song I like 🤷🏽

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