You Get Me So High

684 13 23

4:21 am

I woke up, laying face down on not my bed, but Bill's bed. He was neither next to me or on top of me. I sat up, looking around until I saw him sleeping on the floor. What the fuck happened...I quietly got off his bed, walking over to him and picking him up. He was pretty light, thank God. I layed him down on his bed, and sat down beside him, looking in his nightstand drawer for some weed or shit.

Thankfully he has some. I grabbed some of it, and layed it across the dresser. (I have no clue how to smoke weed) Shortly, I was high as hell. My eyes were watery and itchy, and I was nodding out repeatedly. Atleast it makes me feel good, I guess? I heard some shuffling beside me, so I looked over. It was Bill, waking up. "Ohh, Y/N.." He mumbles, scooting closer to me and wrapping his arms around me.

His breath was warm on my neck, and he was still half asleep. He let out a soft moan against my neck. That was cute. "Yes, Bill...?" I mumble, stroking his cheek. "Let me sleep..mmhh.." He can't seem to finish his sentence, before climbing on my lap and resting his head on my shoulder. Holy fuck. My hand fell to his hip, caressing it slightly. The Bill Kaulitz was sleeping on my lap. --and I'm dating him.

Isn't he known for being one of the most 'hottest guys' in school. I mean, they're not lying. If I'm the 'playboy', and dating the 'hottest guy' in school, what does that even make? I don't really know, and I don't really care. I just want him. I sighed audibly and caressed his hand, smiling softly. It wasn't long before I fell asleep afterwards.

Y'all he loves us 😍🙏🏽

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