A Little Help

870 12 50

7:54 pm

We were walking upstairs to his bedroom. It was already late? Time passed quickly. I dont know anymore. "Im gonna change." Bill mumbled, taking off his shirt. Damn. His body was so.. goddamn. "I can feel you staring, Y/N." oh shit. "N-nah, i wasnt staring.." i reply, putting my hands up. "Yeah, sure.." he replies, putting a shirt on.

Fuck him. I can't help but stare when your literally changing Infront of me! Whatever. "It's fine." He mumbles, slipping off his pants. Damn.. "hm," I reply, glancing at his thighs every now and then. What am I doing? "Stop looking at me like that..." He mumbles, a light blush spread across his face. How can I not? You're literally perfect. He's already sucked me off...wonder if he could take it in his-..what the fuck am I thinking?

I need to stop. I barley know him. But, were dating, yeah... "Y/N, are you okay? You seem a bit lost in thought." Bill finally asks, looking back at me. "Uh-huh, I'm fine." I reply. I kept staring at his thighs. It wasn't long before I was hard as a fucking brick. Oh fuck. "Y/N, you're..uhm," "y-yeah, I know.." I reply, pulling my shirt down to cover. "I could help you.." he mumbles, tilting his head up slightly. Really?

"Yeah, that would be fine.." I mumble, watching him walk closer towards me. He sighs audibly and climbs on top of me. Was he really about to..? He unbuttoned my pants, which were still on for some reason, letting my member slip out.

SMUT AHEAD (again 😝)

Bill mumbled something before slipping his boxers off, slowly positioning himself over my lap. "Are you sure you want to do this? Aren't you a virgin?" He nods. "I'll just go slow.." I can't take it fucking slow. "Uh, okay.." I mumble. He whined as he slowly pushed my tip inside of him. "Woah, woah, let's take this slow." I mumble, reaching my hand around to grab his hip. "I'll help you, okay?" He nodded.

I pushed a finger inside of him, as he whined while I did. "Go slow..." He whispers. He obviously hasn't been fingered before..I slowly started working my finger in and out of him. "Mmh, Y/N," he whimpers, as I slowly slip a second finger in to stretch him out more. It still wasn't enough to fit my dick inside of him. How am I supposed to do this without hurting him? He moans quietly, biting his lip as I worked both fingers inside of him. Fuck..

I slowly slipped a third finger inside of him, earning a slight gasp and a choked breath. "Hey, hey, are you okay...?" I ask, moving my fingers a bit slower. "It.." he can't finish his sentence. He just nods in response. I took my fingers out of him, looking down while I did so. He then slowly positioned himself above my member, slowly starting to slide down. "Ghh.." he whimpers, breathing heavily as he finally slipped my whole length inside of him.

He sat at the base for a moment, before slowly starting to move. "Fuck," I breath out, hearing his heavenly moans. They were better than I imagined. He buried his face in the crease of my neck, moaning against it as he moved a bit faster. "Keep going.." I whisper, starting to 'help' him a little. By that, I mean grabbing his thighs and making him move faster. I'm so sorry for this. "Y-Y/N, sto-"

He moaned louder as I made him move faster. "Shh.." I whisper, biting my lip and letting out soft grunts. He mumbled something like: 'im close'. Already? I'm almost there, I think..."Y/N, Y/N," he moaned, throwing his head back as he tried moving faster. Fuck, I'm about to.."I'm gonna.." I moan as I feel my stomach tense up, climaxing inside of him. He also came, moaning and shaking as he did. "Fuck," he moans, still sitting at the base of my member.

He slowly got off, almost falling back as he stood up. He moaned as his knees hit the floor, putting them up to his chest as he sat down on the floor. "Phew..are you okay..?" I ask, looking down at him. "Mmh, I'm fine.." he mumbles, looking up at me. Those eyes were just too cute. "Did I hurt you? I'm sorry..." I said in a whisper almost. "No, I'm fine.." he mumbles, giving me a slight smile.


What the fuck happened? Did I just take his virginity? Oh god...I did not...why did he do that? I shouldn't have been the first one to take his virginity. Fuck. Goddammit. Well, at least it felt a little good..better than any girl I've ever fucked. But, still...I sigh audibly and button my pants back, falling back on the bed and groaning.

We took his virginity...

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